• Sunday, June 23, 2024
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FG to place six months travel ban on international travellers violating safety protocols

international travellers

In a build up to the commencement of international travel,the federal government has forewarned international travellers coming into Nigeria to abide by laid out protocols or face sanction of six months travel ban by relevant authorities.

Sani Aliyu,the National Cordinator of the Presidential Task Force, PTF said on Monday briefing in Abuja that inbound travellers must abide by key protocols laid out my the Taskforce.

According to Aliyu,”For passengers who declined the test upon arrival,we will still allow them up to day 14 to have the test done.After that, their details will be forwarded to Port Health,Immigration and all the security services.

“It is very likely that we put in place measures by suspending their travel up to six months or denied foreign travel,”

He urged Nigerians to abide by the laid out measures for the safety of the country.

Speaking on the protocols,he said,” As regards pre departure,we need three things:First,we need a negative covid 19 PCR test.This needs to be done from a certificied and accredited laboratory,within the country.

“It needs to be done,prefarably,as close as possible to the time of boarding. That is before 72 hours of departure. We can still accept tests that are valid for seven days.”he said.

“The second protocols is the need to register on Nigerian international travel portal which we are developing and we hope it would go life this week. You register on a payment portal and pay to have the PCR test done in from the departing country.A confirmation email would be sent.

The third protocols he said is focused on health declaration,observing however that the format is being changed tp lectronic to ease the congestion,even as he noted for that the information will be sent to Port Health in Nigeria for proper documentation of the traveller.