• Saturday, June 15, 2024
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Adventures of Anansi and Sewa spider by Bunmi Oyisa and other amazing bedtime stories for your kids

Adventures of Anansi and Sewa spider by Bunmi Oyisa and other amazing bedtime stories for your kids

Reading bedtime stories is beneficial to both parents and children. They are a great way to bond with your children. It is also the best way to instill the love for reading. When your children see you read, it becomes easy for them to emulate. Overall, it improves a child’s brain development.

So for this week, we’re bringing you three books to read with your children during bedtime.

Adventures of Anansi and Sewa Spider – Rainy Day by Bunmi Oyinsan

Anansi the Spider is a well loved trickster character in many old African and Carribean stories. Anansi Spider and his sister Anansewa ( Sewa) are modern versions of the old trickster. The story is for all ages. It is written in simple English and filled with beautiful illustrations that would leave your child(ren) in a state of pure intrigue and delight. The plot is easy to understand as it’ll hold any child spellbound in the adventures of a world where everything is possible.

It is the perfect book for kickstarting your child’s reading library this weekend. This is the kind of story that will spark pure feelings of nostalgia when one is grown. For now, it can inspire them to be creative writers, artists…and much more. Read More.

Happy Adventures of Adiyeh the Lagos Chicken  by Oluwaseyi A. Alade

Funny little Chicken discovers the world in a fresh squacky perspective. She encounters pouting pullets, nosey Big’Uns, somersaulting roosters, talkative insects, fountains of cereals, confused cows, rumbling metal boxes, shadowy toys and tumbling baskets. Read More

Mabel’s Adventures by Lia Tern

Mabel does not like going to school. Will a chance encounter change her mind? Join her on her adventures as she learns and has some fun along the way. This cute e-book is a great bedtime family read with beautiful and vibrant illustrations that your child will love. A treat for little girls and boys alike. Read More