• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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NDE begins training of 400 youths on mechanised farming

Cash chaos crushes farmers

The National Directorate Of Employment (NDE), will on Thursday commence training of four hundred selected youths in mechanized farming from across the thirteen local government areas of Oyo North in Oyo state.

The three days intensive training on modern techniques of farming will come up simultaneously at three different locations, Kisi, Town Hall in Kisi, Irepo local government, IPMAN Hall in Saki at Saki West Local government, and Ipapo Town Hall in Ipapo at Itesiwaju local government in Oyo North.

The Senator representing Oyo North Senatorial District in the Upper Chamber, AbdulFatai Omotayo Buhari, facilitated the training in conjunction with NDE.

Apart from the daily transport allowances and feeding of the beneficiaries, the trainees will at the end of the training programme, be empowered with seedlings, herbicides, equipment, training allowances, and a certificate.

Oyo North is an agrarian district which if well harnessed will serve as a food basket for the state and Nigeria as a whole as well as increase the revenue base of the state and nation through the import of agricultural products like, sorghum, millet, cashew, cassava, yam amongst others.

The knowledge acquired by the beneficiaries at the end of the training is expected to be used to increase their harvests which will in turn improve their living standard.

This brings to a total, one thousand two hundred constituents selected from Oyo North Senatorial District that have been engaged in one training or the other by Senator AbdulFatai Omotayo Buhari, in the last one month.