• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Bishop Sam zuga empowers more youths with N100,000 Grants


At the recent inauguration of the newly elected National leaders of Samzuga international, Bishop Sam Zuga of House of Joy ministry, also known as Jehovah Field Marshall pleaded with Nigerians to embrace change and become agents of change in order to make the Nation a better place.

The renowned Bishop well known for his philanthropy charged the new elected National leaders to make very good use of the rare opportunity and funds (N100,000 each) he made available to improve on themselves and also allow it reflect on others.

Part of his inaugural speech reads, “If people are happy, then I am happy. I always generate my happiness from the happiness of others.
Yesterday, you all were inaugurated as the National executive members of the council.
We are here to help Africa to come out of darkness. If you follow my secrets, from now till 6 months time, your life will never remain the same.
I am an agent of Change, I want to lead people to change. There are lots of things to change in this country. Most people are looking unto President Buhari for the change, but believe me change can’t come from him alone. It is on us as individuals to start first of all. I am raising you all as agents of Change. You will keep doing this job until there’s a huge change. No time is late.
Soon governors will be part of us, either because they want an agent of change or because they want to become part of Change Agent.
To become an agent of change as a Nigerian, the first thing to deal with is Impatience.
God gave me the name Jehovah’s field Marshall. I am here to teach you about issues of life. I am a professional problem solver.”

About 36 people who attended the National Exco meeting of Samzuga International, all went home with 100,000 each apart from paying their flights, accommodation and feeding at Transcorp Hilton. People that doesn’t have access to flight were paid for their road transport.

It would be recalled on Tuesday, March 10, 200 graduates of Samzuga Empowerment Academy received business grants ranging from 100,000 to 1,000,000 in Yola, Adamawa State. This is in accordance to Bishop Sam Zuga’s vision 0202-2020.

Below is a link to the full video of Bishop Sam Zuga’s speech at the inauguration of National leaders of Samzuga international https://youtu.be/rCWJqNy8U88