• Sunday, September 08, 2024
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Ukwa (Breadfruit)


This is a popular Igbo delicacy.


Bread fruit (Ukwa)

Akanwu (crystal soda) (optional)

Palm oil

A cube of maggi or half knorr

Salt and pepper to taste

Before you cook

Pick the ukwa as it can be filled with the shell/back and sand

Wash very well


Cook in a pressure cooker if you have or your normal stove with enough water covering it with the akanwu (akanwu is optional though)

After about roughly 20-30 mins (or when it is quite soft), add salt

Pending on your choice of cooking this delicacy, you could choose to transfer your cooking into another pot

Fry onions in palmoil, add the cooked ukwa gently while mixing in the oil and onion

Add your maggi, crayfish and pepper

Remember not to stir, allow enough water that would disseminate the ingredients as it boils, allow to cook till the water is dried then serve.

Note: this recipe could easily go wrong if you involve lots of spices or more than a cube of maggi (less is better)


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