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To empower Haiti youths, Nortreus’s petition demands constitutional reform now

To empower Haiti youths, Nortreus’s petition demands constitutional reform now

A change.org petition created in 2022 by Haiti-born rising politician Werley Nortreus is creating a way to include youths in Haitian politics by urging the Haitian government to establish a new constitution or amendments before new general elections across Haiti. Some people have started to sign it, but there must be more signatures to achieve the goal.

Nortreus is a proud Haitian and a passionate advocate for progress who would like to bring everyone’s attention to a cause that is close to his heart—a petition that he created intending to establish a new constitution with new texts or new amendments in his home country located in the Caribbean.

According to the petition, the new constitution or modifications should allow candidates beginning at the age of 25 to participate in the country’s general elections for the Executive, and the Legislative (Senate), and be able to work in Judicial boards. Nortreus’s unique taste for change serves as a platform to delve into the significance of his petition and shed light on the transformative power it holds for the troubled country that is currently facing political chaos, poverty, division, and violence by dangerous armed gangs.

Nortreus is currently known in music, literature, politics, and other fields. He was born in the commune of Limbé and raised in Port-au-Prince, where he did most of his studies. He is the author of the book Best Quotes of Werley Nortreus (Vol. 1), which was released in 2017. He is the writer of some famous quotes. He currently represents and is the main leader of the party and movement known as Jeunes Dirigeants Haïtiens Progressistes (JDHP). He is fueled by a vision of fostering positive change and creating a brighter future for his nation, Africa, and others.

However, the trajectory of Nortreus’s journey took an unexpected turn on January 12, 2010, when his home country experienced a devastating earthquake. The quake left a trail of destruction, took countless lives, and upended the lives of survivors. After the quake, he relocated to the United States, where he continued his education. Throughout his time abroad, his commitment to his home country remained unwavering, and then his aspirations to run for the presidency intensified.

The Internet petition is challenging the age limits for Candidacy. For the country’s political landscape to truly reflect the diverse voices and perspectives of its citizens, the age limits imposed on candidates must be challenged. Recognizing the untapped potential and fresh perspectives that young people bring to the table, Nortreus initiated the petition in 2022, urging the government to reduce the minimum age required for candidates aspiring to hold

Executive or Legislative offices and be able to work for the Judiciary. By opening up these avenues to candidates aged 25 and older, Haitians can invigorate the country’s political arena with new ideas, innovative solutions, and a renewed sense of hope.

“Some may question the significance of reducing the age limit. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that the youth of any nation represents its future. By empowering younger individuals to participate in decision-making processes and hold positions of authority, we are investing in the long-term stability, progress, and prosperity of Haiti. Our collective efforts must focus on dismantling barriers and fostering an inclusive environment that nurtures and harnesses the potential of the youth,” Nortreus says on the reasons why he created the petition.

“The primary objective of the petition that I created is to establish a new constitution or new amendments in Haiti that allow candidates who are 25 years old and older to run for the Executive and Legislative (Senate) positions and be able to work for the Judiciary too. By reducing the age limit, we aim to empower young Haitians and provide them with equal opportunities to participate in the political process. The current age limit imposed on candidates restricts the potential and aspirations of the youth in Haiti. By advocating for this change, we seek to create a more inclusive and dynamic political environment where the voices of the young generation can be heard and their ideas can shape the future of our nation. Empowering the youth is not just about giving them a seat at the table; it is about recognizing their unique perspectives, energy, and dedication to bring about positive change,” Nortreus adds to his reasons for creating the petition.

The petition for a new constitution or amendments is actually the first idea proposed in the country’s history to reduce age limits for all three branches of high offices. It reveals how young leaders have novel thoughts, creative solutions, and a comprehensive understanding of the problems facing their generation. By lowering the age limit, Haitians will tap into this immense potential and ensure that Haiti benefits from the diverse talents and perspectives of its youth. Education and experience are vital components of effective leadership, and youth acknowledge the importance of these qualities in candidates for high offices. That is why the proposed age limit reduction is specifically targeted at individuals who are 25 years old and older, according to Nortreus and others.

By embracing younger candidates in Executive, Legislative (Senate), and Judicial positions, the country will benefit from fresh perspectives, forward-thinking ideas, and the ability to connect with the aspirations of the broader youth population. Furthermore, the petition aligns with Nortreus’s vision to strengthen his home country’s relationship with the African Union. As a Caribbean country with historical ties to Africa, Nortreus recognizes the importance of fostering more potent connections and collaborations with African nations.

“By embracing the African Union, Haiti can leverage opportunities for knowledge exchange, trade partnerships, cultural integration, and mutual support. This will contribute to Haiti’s overall development and create a platform for enhanced cooperation and growth. Including young leaders in political offices is essential to ensuring a progressive and prosperous Haiti. By reducing the age limit, we empower capable individuals aged 25 and older to stand for election, bringing forth a new wave of energy, vision, and determination. Enhancing Haiti’s relationship with Africa offers many opportunities for cultural exchange, economic growth, and mutual support. By unlocking the potential of our youth and forging meaningful connections with our African counterparts, we can amplify our collective impact and promote sustainable development on both continents. As an emerging politician myself, I firmly believe that the experiences, perspectives, and fresh ideas of the youth can reshape the future trajectory of our country”, Nortreus says on getting his home country closer to African nations.

This year, the Haitian government, led by Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry, installed the High Transition Council (HTC), whose mission is to establish constitutional reform, secure the country, and hold general elections so that a new President and government can be elected.

New members of the Provisional Electoral Council have to be installed in the upcoming months, but there is no fixed date yet. Nortreus himself also asked the government to include his proposals in the constitutional reform before new elections take place across the country soon.