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Pluralcode announces plan to help 2 million Africans create wealth through digital skills.


In a move to tackle the youth unemployment crisis in Africa, Pluralcode, one of Nigeria’s largest tech schools, unveiled its ambitious ‘School of Digital Economy’. This groundbreaking initiative seeks to equip 2 million young Africans with the modern skills needed to thrive in today’s dynamic job market.

The Looming Crisis: Youth Unemployment in Africa

According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), as of the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2022, Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa, faced a youth unemployment rate of 33.3%, with underemployment among young Nigerians reaching 22.8% in the same period. Leaving many in a precarious position. This reality underscores the formidable challenge young individuals encounter in their quest for financial stability.

Beyond Nigeria’s borders, global work opportunities are evolving rapidly. The gig economy, which includes freelance and short-term contract work facilitated by online platforms, has gained substantial momentum. In 2021, approximately 36% of the U.S. workforce participated in gig work, showcasing a shift towards more flexible employment models. Moreover, remote work has become increasingly prevalent, with 41.8% of the American workforce operating remotely full-time in 2021, according to a report by Upwork.

Education and Digital Skills: Bridging the Divide

In Nigeria, there is a growing gap between traditional systems of education and the skills demanded by today’s job market. According to UNICEF, about 10.5 million Nigerian children were out of school as of 2019, making it one of the highest out-of-school rates globally.

Furthermore, those who graduate often find themselves lacking in the modern skills required to create wealth and participate in the global talent markets of today. This mismatch has created the need to acquire digital skills. Proficiency in areas such as digital marketing, programming, data analysis, and content creation has become instrumental in securing meaningful work. Bridging this gap is imperative for the future prosperity of Africa’s youth and the economic development of the continent.

Empowering Africa’s Future Leaders

In response to this pressing need, Pluralcode, led by visionary CEO Nduka Ukpabi, is launching the ‘School of Digital Economy.’ This initiative aims to empower 2 million young Africans, including aspiring entrepreneurs and youths, with the skills needed to navigate the evolving job market. With a wealth of experience in the tech industry and a deep commitment to empowering Africa’s youth, Pluralcode envisions a continent where every young person has the opportunity to thrive and create wealth for themselves through skill acquisition and proper market positioning.

In the words of CEO Nduka Ukpabi, “We believe that by empowering young Africans with the right skills, we are not only shaping individual destinies but also contributing to the economic prosperity of our continent. Gone are the days when you needed a fancy degree in order to make something of yourself. Today, with a laptop, a mobile phone and the right skills, any young person will be able to generate income from the comfort of their homes, and that is what we want to do for 2 million young Africans by 2028.”

(pictured: Pluralcode’s CEO, Nduka Ukpabi)

Pluralcode’s ‘School of Digital Economy’ promises a diverse range of courses, including:

Tech Sales
Content Creation
Creative Design
Motion Graphics
AI Mastery for Professionals
Virtual Assistant
Growth Hacking
No-Code Website Design
Ethical Hacking
Community Development
Financial Markets Trading etc

Click here to get more information about this from Pluralcode’s website.

Transforming Lives, One Skill at a Time
As the ‘School of Digital Economy’ takes its first steps towards transforming the lives of 2 million young Africans, the impact of this initiative is poised to reverberate across the continent. Through the power of education and digital skills, Pluralcode is paving the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for Africa’s youth.