• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Ibom Developers impact 1,300 lives through its medical outreach programme in Okoroiyong and Egwenwe communities


“Health is Wealth” is an adage, and good health is a boon—the most valuable asset of a fulfilling and prosperous life.

In its continuous effort towards promoting quality health and sustainability, on September 22 and September 23, 2023, Ibom Developers conducted a 2-day medical outreach for Okoroiyong and Egwenwe Communities at Egwenwe Town Hall and Okoroinyong Health Centre at Eastern Obolo LGA, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

The theme for this medical programme was “Health is Wealth,” which reinforced its commitment to rendering medical assistance and ensuring the well-being of the host communities, where 1300 people, including women, men, and children were treated. The communities were given free treatment for malaria, typhoid, and some prevalent skin rashes. Dignitaries present at the event were His Royal Highness Chief Johnson J. Osiba, and His Royal Highness Chief Godfrey F. Tallick and Ibom Developer’s Chief Security Officer, Mr. B.A. Abass.

The Village Head, Chief Johnson J. Osiba (Ijongo IV), The Okaama of Egwenwe Community, said, “This event marks the beginning of a new dawn in our relationship with Ibom Developers. We are happy to see the commitment and the love for humanity to organise this laudable health care programme for Egwenwe community.”

Medical outreach programmes serve as excellent examples of initiatives that educate, inspire, and make a significant impact.

The Chief Security Officer of Ibom Developers, Mr. B.A. Abass, shared his thoughts at the event, saying, “This programme serves as a testament to the company’s commitment to the well-being of the communities. We are positive that there will be more such initiatives in future.”

Medical outreach programmes also contribute significantly to fostering stability and growth within a community, playing a vital role in shaping its development trajectory.

Chief Godfrey F. Tallick (Inukuk X), The Okaama of Okoroinyong, said, “Our community is impressed by such a benevolent act, and we deeply appreciate the company’s sincere efforts and kindness.”

Ibom Developers is committed to driving sustainability and empowerment that address immediate health concerns and promote the welfare of the host communities for a long-term healthy living.