• Thursday, June 27, 2024
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COVID-19: Ebonyi indigenes in Diaspora condemn arrest order on former Commissioner


The Association of Ebonyi State Indigenes in Diaspora (AESID), a nongovernmental organisation passionate about the welfare of the State’s citizens,  has vehemently condemned the order issued to the Directorate of State Security Services (DSS) by the Governor of Ebonyi State, David Umahi for the arrest of the erstwhile Commissioner for Information, Abia Onyike.

Paschal Oluchukwu, AESID President in a statement made available to journalists in Abuja, said Umahi who made the order while giving an update on COVID-19 in the State at the Government House, said Onyike came into Ebonyi from an ‘unknown destination’ and allegedly violated the COVID-19 lockdown rules in the State by not quarantining himself.

According to the statement, Onyike was consequently barred from entering his Edda village in (Afikpo South LGA) by the anti-COVID-19 Task Force causing him to return to the State capital.

“We are rudely shocked that Governor Umahi could stoop so low by asking the State’s secret service to pick the former Commissioner up in his Abakaliki residence for immediate isolation at its facility.

“This platform is however deeply worried that Governor Umahi’s arrest order came barely 24 hours after Chief Onyike critiqued the Governor’s 5- year old administration during a Radio Programme on 92.5 Enugu’s Dream Fm.

“It is therefore a clear case of the witch crying in the night only for neighbours to see the dead body of the baby the next morning and this

stands truly condemned by us and every reasonable Ebonyian.

“Assuming without conceding that the former Commissioner is positive for Coronavirus, is the DSS which should be more deeply concerned with tackling more pressing State security challenges such as kidnappings, inter-communal unrests and several reported clashes the appropriate agency to quarantine or isolate him?

“We sincerely frown at the flagrant abuse of State powers through the incessant use of State security apparatchik and unofficial State security outfits such as the Neighbourhood Security Watch by the Governor to intimidate, harass, molest, arrest and attack harmless and innocent citizens, particularly those who share opposing views on his dictatorial style of governance,” Oluchukwu said.

AESID President also informed that: “Just yesterday, another citizen of the State from Ezza North Local Government Area of the State, Mr. Stephen Oken was picked by the DSS on the orders of the State on spurious and unsubstantiated allegations.

“We wish to remind Governor Umahi that the fundamental gain in any democracy for the citizens the world over is freedom: freedom to choose those who rule them, freedom to criticize them or their style of government, freedom to criticize programmes and policies of government and, most importantly, FREEDOM TO CONTRIBUTE BY WAY OF ADVICE ON HOW GOVERNANCE CAN BE BETTER IMPROVED.

“It is our summation therefore that as noted by his predecessor, Chief Martin Elechi during the 2013 Democracy Day Celebration “since such freedom is a shared value, it implies that nobody’s right to say ‘yes’ on an issue is superior to another person’s right to say ‘no’ on the same issue.

“Is this the same Umahi we recollect who vowed in his inaugural address at about this time in 2015 that he would run; “A government that will listen and absorb the wisdom and counsel that will come from all citizens, young and old. We shall strive with our mightiest effort to give meaning to the

concept of a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

We shall do so precisely because we recognize that we are nothing without the people…”?

“The recent vituperative onslaughts against his erstwhile Secretary to the State Government, Professor Benard Odoh and the unleashing of virtually all State apparatus against him for merely calling on the Umahi-led government to be accountable to the citizens of Ebonyi State is another testament of his detest for opposing views and opinions no matter how

healthy it may be. This, we have repeatedly asserted is also condemnable!

“It is our solemn request therefore that Governor Umahi should put a self-check on his growing anti-democratic tendencies since his numerous aides cannot advise him and IMMEDIATELY REVERSE himself on the order for arrest of Chief Onyike and also ORDER

IMMEDIATE and UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE of Mr. Oken who has been in DSS custody since three days ago.

“He should in addition to the above also apologize to the entire Ebonyi State over these unbecoming conducts and particularly the affected persons and their families while assuring them of their safety and security as the Chief Security Officer of the Salt of the nation!

While appreciating pasts and present leaders for their enormous contributions to the advancement of democracy in the State, we specially thank the good people of our dear Ebonyi State for their very active roles and participations so far in the entire democratic processes in the State in the last 21 years of its existence and urge them never to give up.

For in the very end, the wise words of Marjorie Kelly on democracy will be their testimony: “The lesson of history is clear: democracy always wins in the
