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The United Kingdom offered me a fair playground for entrepreneurship – Moses

The United Kingdom offered me a fair playground for entrepreneurship – Moses

Daniel Moses is a serial entrepreneur and founding director of a group of profitable real estate companies in the United Kingdom. In this interview, he tells Stephen Onyekwelu the story of his entrepreneurial journey into the properties market. Excerpts:

As a Nigerian based in the UK, how would you describe entrepreneurship?
Being an entrepreneur in the UK has been quite rewarding for me, even though it wasn’t easy at first, my joy today is the inspiration and motivation others draw from the initial challenges I encountered.
When I started in the UK, I thought I wasn’t good enough because of how I spoke and my African background. But England has been wonderful; anyone can attain their legitimate ambition with the right drives and persistent passion. Indeed, the UK offered me a fair playing ground to strive as a leading industry expert in the property market outside my indigenous environment.

What are the challenges you face as an entrepreneur?
My foremost challenge was insufficient take-off capital and absence of basic mentorship at the initial period. I simply believe in myself, leveraging on personal development, which remains my intrinsic winning asset. Challenges optimise my strengths to subdue industrial threats for the attainment of set targets.

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How has your business faired under the Covid-19 pandemic?
The global pandemic has been an unforeseen blow to businesses, industrialists and entrepreneurs. It, however, provided me with the opportunity to make provision for contingencies; of course, the Zoom platform facilitated corporate operation, which helped to minimise the effects of the lockdown. It indeed improved my online activities, providing more detailed attention above routine standards.

How was your new beginning in the UK?
My first visited the United Kingdom in 2004 after my graduation from the University of Benin, the same year. Social and economic challenges drove me back to Nigeria in 2012. I started a logistics business in the oil and gas sector but lost it to a fire incidence.
In December 2015 I returned to the UK with little money and without a clear idea of where to start. I reluctantly picked a job as a delivery driver with a company called Yodel. I did that for a few months, and then a friend of mine told me about becoming an Uber driver. This entailed long hours but helped lift my earnings.
However, sometime in 2017, fortunes beckoned on me. I came across a Facebook advert about making money from properties you don’t own. This was a golden opportunity. It opened a new vista for me, an inroad into the robust business of properties and estates ventures. It culminated in a high resource properties entrepreneur.

Today, I’m the founding director of multiple property companies, namely Property Wealth Estate, Property Wealth Capital and Property Wealth Education
Whereas the Property Estate offers guaranteed rent to residential property owners as well as an alternative solution to both parties as a corporate let, the Property Wealth Capital acquires strategic properties for future capital appreciation.
Property Wealth Education provides valuable platforms of property education to new starters, guiding them on the basics of estates, rent strategies and estate management techniques. This strategy, I must say, rewardingly paved way for me in my attainment as a *Portfolio Millionaire within my less than four years as a property entrepreneur.

How did your background shape your career path as a successful entrepreneur?
Well, my family influenced me greatly on this. My two elder brothers Sunny and Julius are also astute entrepreneurs, who lived in Japan sending sometimes consignments for sale in Nigeria. Their commitments and entrepreneurial drives acted as inspiration, which propelled my dynamism, dedication and dexterity.
I take delight in being an experienced leader, leading from the front and impacting positively on my followers. It enables me to set the right targets, pursue the right motivations, and relentlessly focus on my goal notwithstanding any constraints and threats. The threats boost my strengths to capture inherent opportunities.

Tell us about your brand.
Well, my brand is pretty simple. As mentioned earlier, I began as a Property Investor in the UK. Through hard work, in less than 4 years, my Estate Companies have become household names in the UK.
We multi-let properties by providing houses of multiple occupations to professionals and the workforce, which has generated over £380,000 gross income.
Glad to mention that in 2019, many people inspired by our achievements started reaching out to us, to learn the secrets behind our successes. Initially, I provided the information freely to a few of them.
In September 2019, we hosted London’s first dedicated rent to Hmo property strategy networking event known as Rent to Rent Property Network, in which I’m well specialised as an expert.
In February 2020, we launched the education segment, training others on how to succeed. Many of those people have become successful entrepreneurs on their own, generating a livelihood for themselves and for others

Who motivates you?
Good question. Donald Trump motivates me; his business tactics and his power of negotiations.
I simply love grant cardone he teaches business obsession as a key to entrepreneurial success.

How would you describe your fashion style?
My fashion style is quite simple. I would hardly spend 350 pounds sterling on a pair of shoes, shirts or jeans as example, but prefer to spend on good Wristwatch because it doesn’t deprecate but rather appreciate in value. Clothes and shoes are quite desirable but not much should be invested in chattels of diminishing value.

What is your advice to those who look up to you?
Those who look up to me as a model, got to have a clear goal and remain focused with a feasible career road map, to attain their objectives. For those in the preliminary stage of their entrepreneurship, they need to invest in themselves, add new value to themselves with optimistic outlook. They need to imbibe the winning spirit.

Where can we find you online on social media?
I’m available on the following social media handle.
-Instagram : danielmosesdm; -Facebook: Daniel Moses PW; -LinkedIn : Daniel Moses
-Office no : +4420711720621.