• Sunday, September 08, 2024
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Set right goals to achieve your dream job


Do you have a dream job? Is your current job your dream job, what efforts are you making to ensure you get your dream job? While it is good to desire a particular job, it is also imperative to make adequate plans towards achieving that.

Experts have said that setting the right goal can help you reach your dream job. It is important to have a path laid out for your career, from the time you graduated. These goals are stepping stones that will help you build a successful career that you enjoy. The goals can also help to prevent you from making serious career mistakes, says Miriam Caldwell, personal finance specialists.

According to her, your first job may not be your dream job, but it should be a step to help you achieve it. She said you need to first of all decide what your dream position will give you, which is your long-term goal. You may want to work up to a manger or director position or to become a vice president. You may decide that you want to open your own business and go out on your own. It is important to have a clear result in mind. This will make planning out the process you need to take so much easier.

The second thing she said you need to is determine what steps you need to take to reach your career goals. For example, if you want to move up into a position as manager, you may need to get an MBA. If you want to open your own business, you will need to gain experience in the business whether it is retail or service oriented, and then you will need to find capital to open the business. Seeing these specific steps can help you map out a career plan.

After you graduate you may find that you do not enjoy working in the career field you chose. Sometimes your major may not have been the right fit for you career wise. It may not be as enjoyable as you want or leave you time for the things that are the most important. If this is the case you may want to completely change fields. One of the easiest ways to do this is go back and get a degree in a different field but it is not the most cost effective way. You may be able to just take classes to get extra certifications or the specific things you need in order to qualify for another job. You may also apply for an internship in the field before you transfer over to it, to make sure that you are choosing the right field for you. You should also consider the job security of the new position when you consider switching. Sometimes a riskier job will pay off, but you need to prepare for the additional risk, she said.


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