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Mentoring with purpose

Mentoring with purpose

Can you take up the challenge?

Over the years while pursuing my career, I developed goals, ideas and aspirations of where I wanted to be. Looking from a distance there were people I met that inspired me based on their achievements, the impact they had on me and the value they added to many others. It has always been a natural desire for me to add value to other people both knowingly and unknowingly. Little did I know that I was mentoring people and inspiring them from a great distance. It becomes overwhelming yet self- fulfilling when you hear what impact you have had on another person just by simply being you.

Today mentoring is a great asset to those who seek advice and guidance from a seasoned person of value to them. It is also a great asset to those who have what it takes to share with others their experiences in life and use it to make the lives of others much better. Of course it takes maturity, discipline, understanding, tenacity and traits of super leadership potential to carry this out successfully.

I am happy to say that I am a Cherie Blair Foundation International Mentor. Interestingly it is not given on a platter of Gold it requires taking an exam and passing to tell you that not everyone is cut out to Mentor.  For the last three years I have been mentoring on an international scale. One of my mentees from Vietnam is always happy and excited at having our sessions because she has expressed how she is able to improve her English language, express herself and speak much more which is rare for her on a daily basis. I am also pleased to be a Wimbiz Mentor, I am excited to see where my mentees are today reaching greater heights. As a lifestyle Connoisseur, Transformation and Performance Coach as well as a Philanthropist I also have a host of mentees across the globe.

Sharing minds, ideas, advice and experiences has helped me to help them develop their businesses, increase confidence, steer their course and build on their personal development. The impact to date has been very rewarding for me the Mentor as well as my host of Mentees.

As a mentor what is your goal or objective?

How can you impact others?

How do you know when you are mentoring with a purpose?

To measure ones impact or success with mentoring is to measure where you were as a mentor at the start of the mentoring period to where you are at the end. Your mentoring time can be time bound or ongoing but it must yield results.

Frequently asked questions about mentoring:

What does it take to mentor?

I agree it can take a bit of your time if you are committed and dedicate to adding value. However it does not necessarily involve physical visits it is entirely upto you and your availability. With new technology using audio and face calling like skype works just as well and is equally effective.

What does it take to mentor?

Does age matter in choosing a mentor?

As a professional you will be surprised who may ask you to mentor them. It is not necessarily age or gender specific. It is no doubt easier and possibly the common norm to mentor someone slightly younger than you but the idea is for you to share your wealth of experience, your challenges, mistakes, and successes all together. It is not out of place to find yourself mentoring someone who falls within your age bracket or older. If your life inspires others, leverage on that and create impact.

What if you are not in that line of business can you still mentor a prospective candidate?

If the mentee is seeking assistance for business purposes then being in that the line of business is n added plus. All businesses have some structured common goals, from being a start- up, to business growth and business success.

Read also: Veritasi mentors 30 entrepreneurs on creative business skills

Should a mentor give direction on what to do?

Mentors should seek to know more about the mentee by asking questions on where the journey is now and where the mentee is hoping to go from there on. Care must be taken in giving direction or advice that may not be solicited. Offer general guidelines, suggest solutions, share information that is relevant to the mentee and walk the journey with them. Constant questioning is key to progress from the start, this way when action points are determined they will be accountable to the mentor in following through.

As a mentor you are simply the accountability partner that helps a mentee reach their goals.

Is coaching different from mentoring?

Yes it is! You can be both a coach and a mentor to different people provided you are aware of the goal and the objective of each relationship. A coach is someone who offers services for a fee, while a mentor does not take financial rewards. A coach is not sharing experiences but helping you reach your goals through a structured process. A coach is also an accountability partner but with intention and deeper purpose. A coach helps you reach your goals faster than if you were to go alone by helping you beat the act of procrastination. Coaches have vast knowledge and experience in certain fields,as today their services are used for a multitude of purposes.

As a transformation and performance coach my goal is to help you see how you can do things better that will help you improve your outlook, your career goals, your personal development so that you can leverage opportunities for success and a more fulfilled purpose driven life.

What should you expect as a mentee from a mentor?

As a mentee determine what you want from the mentor, spell it out from the beginning with goals. As a mentor discuss skills needed, keep building the relationship. Stay in touch even after the period of mentoring is over, Be intentional about mentoring with a purpose.

Share your experience with me, follow me on social media @Janet Adetu

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