• Monday, June 17, 2024
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The privileges attached to integrating technology into the classroom

The privileges attached to integrating technology into the classroom

Technology has become the center of everything we engage in, and the classroom is not and should not be left behind. The pupils and students nowadays do not know what it is like to live in a world without computers, cell phones, television, social media, and all technology devices currently in vogue.

Even though there is familiarity with technology, integrating technology into the educational sector and environment has been slow in this part of the world.

They say the world is a global village, but if we don’t quickly integrate technology into our learning in this part of the world, our classrooms might become no better than villages.

Many schools still make use of the pre-technology age teaching method. Why? That can be attributed to the lack of adequate finance to sponsor investments in technology. Nevertheless, some schools have started replacing outdated instructional materials with digital devices such as iPads and laptops.

“We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand because it is the pen and paper of our time and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.” – David Warlick

Technology can improve all aspects of education because it has started and will continue to. The benefits of integrating technology cannot be quantified. First, it enhances productivity on the part of both the students and the teachers.

Old instructional materials need to be replaced with modern and futuristic learning publications and journals. The world is shifting towards an immense technological change, and we need to ensure we train our youths now before the world takes colossal steps in advancement without us.

With the aid of technology, students are now given prompt access to digital materials needed.

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Softwares like Groupware have enhanced the meeting up of students, teachers, and parents, thus helping the organizational structure and record keeping. Cloud services like Google Drive and Dropbox have helped students and teachers file and arrange data, hence improving productivity.

Integrating technology into the classroom also enhances creativity through the unlimited content available online. It is now easier for students to quickly find the resources that fit their interests in arts, science, music, and many other areas of learning. Editing and sketching software allow each pupil to manipulate and bring out their best in creative ways.

Learners of recent days are more addicted to video games and movies than books because those things are exciting, artistic, and engaging. If students are allowed to create and exercise their thinking through technology and creativity, analytical thinking would be improved. For example, we can turn some educational materials into video games for them to learn while playing.

Technology also makes collaboration easy among students as well as with their teachers.

Learners can easily collaborate remotely on anything at any time; so far, there is an internet connection and proper tools.

With students being able to collaborate outside the classroom, there is the opportunity for more in-class activities. Tools like Cacoo, TitanPad amongst others, have made collaboration easier and helped teachers track each group’s progress and ensure that each student is a functional, engaging body.

As students are motivated to use and experience technology, inclusive learning is also promoted.

Learners in classrooms would be more fascinated with learning in front of a giant touch screen than looking at a textbook. When pupils see their teachers using technological tools to teach, it would prevent them from distractions and ensure that each student actively participates in the learning process. Also, special students would not be left out as they can learn from their comfort zones through technology.

Acclimatizing lesson plans to accommodate all students is challenging for teachers as each child is different in learning speed and ability. Integrating technologies into the classroom would help teachers alleviate this problem and elevate their understanding and teaching of each student.

Integrating technology would also provide students with the opportunity to choose their interests and research topics right there in their classrooms without venturing into the library that may possess limited editions of resources. Not only would it help students differentiate and choose, but it would also allow them to investigate and learn about the topics further.

Technology in today’s world is here to stay; thus, it must be integrated into our education sector as students need solid technological background and skills to compete soon. Embracing technology would go a long way to help optimize our educational sector.