• Sunday, June 02, 2024
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Civil societies laud US, UK submission, warns politicians against violence

2019 elections (1)

Coalition of civil societies call for peaceful elections in Kwara State has expressed delight at a recent statement issued by both the UK and US missions in Abuja.

In a statement issued to journalists in Ilorin by Musa Aliyu, team leader of the coalition, gave a strong warning to politicians and their supporters on the need to maintain peace before, during and after the forthcoming elections, saying, “Sanctions await any politician that instigate violence in their domain.”

The statement read: “We want to align with the above positions. But, we will like to add that violence is a single destroyer of democratic processes and ethos. And that above sanctions should also be extended as thus: Any politician with links to political violence should be investigated and prosecuted according to the law of the land.

“If there are cases of death and murder, such politician should be taken to international court of justice for crime against humanity.Special Courts should be set up to fast track trial of people linked with political violence.

“Apart from travel ban, assets and investments of politicians involved in political violence should be confiscated, sold and proceeds used to compensate victims of such violence”.

“We hope these measures will go along way to dissuade political class from instigating, abetting and out rightly sponsoring violence in their communities.”