• Monday, June 17, 2024
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UNAN congratulates Guterres on his re-appointment as UN Secretary-General

Antonio Guterres

The United Nations Association of Nigeria (UNAN) has congratulated Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), Antonio Guterres on his re-appointment for another 5-year term as the Secretary-General of the UN.

The association felicitated with the diplomat extraordinaire as he steps into another 5 years as the head of the intergovernmental association in the world.

In a statement signed and made available to BusinessDay by the President of the UNAN, Joah Agha, she lauded the Secretary General on his re-appointment and pledged the association’s firm commitment to all the goals of the UN, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Agha also expressed her profound gratitude to the re-appointed Secretary-General for the re-appointment of Nigeria’s Amina Mohammed as the Deputy Secretary-General and the Chair of the Sustainable Development Group shortly after he himself was re-appointed by the UN General Assembly.

The association highlighted the remarkable work done by the Secretary-General in the last 5 years and stated its firm belief in his leadership for the next tenure.

While assuring that the UNAN would be at the forefront of the SDGs, Agha in the statement also expressed her organisation’s determination to hit enviable milestones on these goals.

She also affirmed that the association looks forward to a more dynamic and impactful 5 years from the UN under the leadership of the Secretary General.

Giving a brief history of the UNAN, Agha in the statement described the association as a flagship non-profit of the UN which was set up in 1959 by Prof. Babs Fafunwa.

Recall that Antonio Guterres was a two-term former Prime Minister of Portugal and served as the President of Socialist International, thereafter.

He started his diplomatic career at the UN as the High Commissioner for Refugees between 2005 and 2015 before becoming the Secretary General of the United Nations in 2016.