• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Starsight Energy deploys 950kW system for Big Cola plant

Starsight Energy deploys 950kw system for Big Cola plant

Starsight Energy, one of the leading African Commercial and Industrial (“C&I”) solar power providers, is delighted to announce the completion of a 950kW solar system for the Big Bottling Company plant in Ogun State, Nigeria.

This installation is Starsight’s largest solar solution in Nigeria to date and shows the potential of sustainable power for Nigerian industry. The Big Bottling Company’s Nigerian plant produces Big Cola, Big Orange, and other popular Nigerian drinks.

The planned doubling of the plant’s production rate required diversification of its energy supply, and Starsight Energy was approached to design a solution.

Utilising the available roof space on the Big Bottling plant, Starsight’s engineering team designed a rooftop solar solution that is fully integrated into the plant’s existing natural gas power infrastructure. Starsight’s technology-enabled system will offset the customer’s gas consumption during peak solar production, thereby enabling the plant to reduce its gas usage.

The system, according to the company, will help Big Bottling Company offset 11,743 tons of CO2 over the project’s ten-year lifetime. These savings will help the company keep its commitment to protecting the environment.

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“We were motivated to expand production at our primary Nigerian plant in a sustainable way and Starsight have delivered an excellent solution. Their system integrates into our existing power infrastructure and was designed, installed, and brought online in just five months. We look forward to generating green energy and reducing our carbon emissions, and we know we can rely on Starsight’s lifetime service guarantee,” Prahlad K. Gangadharan, CEO of Big Bottling Company, said.

Tony Carr, Starsight Energy CEO, added that the “project demonstrates the scale at which Starsight can design and deploy solar solutions for industrial clients. Whether it’s a 100% solar or hybrid system, our systems guarantee seamless integration, 99.9% uptime, and significant reduction in CO2 emissions.”

Applauding its world-class engineering team for designing and deploying the large-scale solar solution, Carr said the company is looking forward to installing similar systems for industrial clients in Nigeria and Ghana, as well as in its new markets in Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda.