• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Over 7000 skilled Nigerians in Qatar – envoy

Over 7000 skilled Nigerians in Qatar – envoy

The Nigerian ambassador to Qatar, Yakubu Abdullahi Ahmed has said that over 7000 Nigerian professionals are currently plying their trade in Qatar.

The ambassador disclosed this in his Independence Day message to Nigerians in which he said that the Nigerians were providing excellent services to the Middle East country.

In a statement by the Nigerian Embassy in Doha, the ambassador applauded the leadership style of the Amir of Qatar, describing it as people-oriented and “creating a peaceful environment and providing opportunities for foreign nationals to render professional services in different areas of specialisation.

“There is a teaming population of over 7,000 highly qualified and experienced Nigerian nationals such as medical practitioners, engineers, property development experts, and service providers among others that are performing excellently in diverse sectors,” he said.

Ahmed described Nigeria as a unique nation blessed with abundant human and natural resources that has continued to provide leadership at the global stage which he said, gives a sense of pride to the black man. He called on Nigerians to demonstrate love, peace and unity in their resolve to take the country to greater heights.

Read also: A 9-step guide to becoming a Nigerian (2025 edition)

The ambassador commend the cordial relations between Nigeria and Qatar stating that the lofty objectives, shared friendship and excellent bilateral relations coupled with cooperation at the multilateral levels have continued to wax stronger.

Ahmed said Nigeria was poised to increase cooperation with Qatar, especially in the areas of agriculture, oil and gas, mining, and infrastructure development. According to him, it upon assumption of duty, he engaged with relevant functionaries of the host government and captains of industries to actualise his mandate.

He, therefore, called on Qatari nationals and other potential investors to take advantage of the vast investment opportunities in Nigeria. “This is because the Nigerian Government has designed incentives in line with global best practices in ease of doing business that guarantees the return on investment.

“While some of these incentives are in the form of tax holidays, exemptions, and reliefs, there are many more that leverage specific government policies, the performance of the companies as well as relevant international investment treaties,’ he said.

The ambassador saluted the Nigerian Community in Qatar for their laudable achievements as they continue to add value to society. He urged them to respect and abide by the rules and regulations of the host country and continue to fly the Nigerian flag higher.