• Monday, June 17, 2024
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Onoja to Kogi youths: Fight against emergence of failed politicians, use your PVC well

Edo: 1.9 million voters to decide PDP, APC, LP fate in 2023 poll

Kogi youths have been urged to shun politicians who have failed in current positions from emerging in the forthcoming general election.

Gabriel Onoja gave the charge at the First Igala National Youth Summit, with the theme, ‘The role of the Youth in Kogi East development Agenda” held at the Lagos Travels Inn, MKO Abiola Crescent, Ikeja Lagos, adding that the zone would be developed, if only the youth could identify and work for the emergence of those with integrity, compassion and capabilities to effect sustainable development to the zone.

Onoga also said that they should spot those whose antecedents have been against the growth and development of the zone to ensure that they are not returned to power or other positions of responsibility, as he charged them to collect their PVCs and ensure the transfer of the same to their localities (those who did not register at home) for possible casting of votes for acceptable candidates.

Onoja commended the organisers of the Lagos Summit with intent to raise the consciousness of the youth for excellence in their chosen vocations, saying , even the distance could not affect their patriotism, as he urged others from across the country to emulate Lagos chapter for the growth of the people.

He enumerated the achievements of Enemona Foundation to include the welfare of the people, as he disclosed that by September, 2022, the Foundation would provide free scholarship from nursery, primary to secondary school for one thousand children in Inele Ugoh and its environs, adding that the pupils would be fed at least once a week to provide nutrient for their mental development.

The President of the Enemona Humanitarian Foundation also hinted that as part of efforts to rid the zone of criminal elements, he had organised youths into cooperatives for artisanal mining on numerous sites that abound across the state, pointing out that the cooperatives have empowered no fewer than 300 youth groups who are making worthy living that has kept them off criminality.

Read also: Actionaid empowers Edo youths with N172m

He charged the youth to be ready to demand accountability from those serving now and make sure good politicians emerge in 2023 by mobilising votes and ensuring that their votes count.

“We must also champion the fight against cultism, thuggery, political killings, election malpractices, imposition of bad and failed leaders, destruction of community property and every index that makes us under-developed.

“On the economic front, Kogi East is blessed with mineral resources and agricultural products. I urge you here in Lagos to use your connections to bring in investors that will explore our minerals towards engaging our youths, provide employment for our women and bring prosperity to the land.

“The economic development of Igala land will make us competitive among other tribes in Nigeria, take our youths from poverty and crime and above all, make our people live well.

“As an individual, in the past three years I have been able to bring some developments to our land through my foundation, Enemona Humanitarian Foundation through women empowerment, youths’ engagements in artisanal mining at various sites in Kogi State, ensuring inter religious harmony among Christians and Muslims in the state, scholarship for orphans and other vulnerable persons among other interventions.

“By September this year, over one thousand children in Inele Ugoh will be given one hundred percent scholarship to study for free at primary and secondary school level.”

He further said: “We will enroll and give them free books, uniforms, sandals, games and compound wears and possible a school bus. We shall recruit teachers in relevant subject areas which the foundation will pay and motivate them to stay. We intend to feed the children at the nursery section at least once a week.”

He equally pointed out that PVC should be the major instrument they will use to bring development to the land as Kogi East has suffered so much deprivation in the past.

Speaking also, the Convener of the summit, Alhassan Tijani commended Gabriel Onoja for his effort at providing succour for the widows, orphans and generates gainful sources of livelihoods to the people and charge others to contribute their quota to the development of their father land.

He added that it took the effort of well meaning sons and daughters of Igala extraction for the hosting of the first National Youth Summit in Lagos, as he encouraged the participants to preach and act in love by being their brother’s keeper.