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Lagos guber: Jandor pledges to simplify land title collection

Guber poll: Jandor, Akindele sign pact with Ajeromi Ifelodun businessmen

Olajide Adediran (Jandor), the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) gubernatorial candidate in Lagos State, has promised to simplify the processing and granting of certificate of Occupancy (C of O) and other land title documents in the state if he is elected governor.

Jandor stated this during an interactive session with traders at the Aspamda and Balogun markets Thursday evening, which was in continuation of his campaign tour of the state ahead of the March 11 gubernatorial poll.

The PDP candidate told the traders that he was aware of the difficulty in obtaining C of O in Lagos at the moment, noting that if elected people would have access to their documents because he was aware they can use it as collateral to get a loan from the bank to finance their businesses.

He said his administration would make the collection process transparent in which anyone that met the criteria and paid the stipulated amount would be given their land documents.

Jandor promised to run an inclusive administration in the state that would accommodate non-indigenes and protect their businesses from harassment, adding that the economy of Lagos was where it is because of their valuable contribution.

“I know only about twenty percent of houses have access to their C of O in Lagos State. If elected I am going to do a fixed rate; that is the amount that you would pay, if you pay it I would give you your C of O.

“This is because you can use the C of O to seek collateral in banks, by doing that I would be growing the economy,” Jandor said.

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Responding, Tochuku Olueno, a leader at the Balogun market, said the traders were tired of empty promises by successive governments in Lagos State, while pledging that they would mobilise their members to vote massively for Jandor and all PDP’s candidates in the state.

“In 2015, they came here and we took them round this market and they promised some things, but after they won we could not have access to them again.

“Even the letters we wrote to them were ignored, but I can promise you that we would vote for you, you look young and it is someone like you we need,” he said.

Responding to a question on violence which often characterises elections in PDP strongholds in the state, Jandor said he would resist any move by any party or individual to intimidate voters in the 2023 polls.

“I would take care of the security threat on election day, come out and vote,” Jandor noted.

Earlier on Thursday, the PDP governorship candidate and his campaign team visited headquarters of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries in Amuwo-Odofin to seek spiritual blessing.

Speaking during a meeting with the senior Pastor and General Overseer of the church, Lazarus Muoka, Jandor said the decision to contest the gubernatorial election was to serve the masses and liberate Lagos.

He pledged to run a people’s friendly government, and use the resources of the state to serve the interest of all Lagosians irrespective of tribe.

Responding, Muoka prayed for the victory of the PDP gubernatorial candidate, stating that he was optimistic that the will of God would prevail in the state.