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Juniper Hill School holds sports day to strengthen sports education

Juniper Hill School holds sports day to strengthen sports education

Determined to create groom a total child, Juniper Hill School, Lagos said it had held the 2022 Sports Day with the aim of creating a link between sports and academics.

Speaking at the sports day held in Lagos recently, Ajibike Bakare, head of School, Juniper Hill School, Surulere, said incorporating sports into the curriculum leads to a balanced and healthy learning environment for children.

According to her, the school facilitates and encourages sports at the primary level in order to create a platform for children with sports potential to continue even in secondary school.

While noting that the sports event involves various kinds of sporting activities including Taekwondo, she said the school ensures the students participate in inter-school sporting competitions to help them have a new feeling and to compete with peers.

Bakare advised parents to help children discover their sports talents by supporting them.

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She however said that it has also become very important for parents to give total support to their children in order for them to become what they want. She noted that most Nigerian parents see sports as a waste of time and even go as far as discouraging their children from participating.

Bakare also called on parents to put adequate measures to safeguard their children from being abused by pedophiles.
She listed the measures to include the installation of CCTV, having regular talks with the children using age-appropriate language, and ensuring due diligence on the people around their children.

Bakare, a lawyer and child advocate, expressed concern over those who abuse children physically and sexually, adding that a background investigation should be conducted on home help, nannies, and security men.

“Parents must ensure that their children know the parts of their body and when people are crossing boundaries, even with relatives. Let them know that some boundaries are healthy and those unhealthy, right from when they are little, so there will be no violation of their person,” she said.