• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Experts advocate advanced metering to boost power supply

Electricity reliability: When will the state wake up?

Experts in the electricity sector have stressed the need for advanced metering to boost income and strengthen power supply in the country.

They believed such a policy would boost prompt payments of electricity bills by consumers as well as reduce energy losses

This, they argued, has become imperative, urging President Bola Tinubu’s administration to revisit the Federal Government mass metering policy to ensure full implementation, if Nigeria must sustainable power.

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The sector players submitted the 90th Power Dialogue organised in Abuja by The Electricity Hub (TEH), with the theme: “Examining the Nigerian power sector on a spyglass.”

The panel comprised experts in the energy sector – Andrew Smith, the deputy chief of USAID Power Africa Nigeria Power Sector Programme; Elungile Mzimba, the managing director of SteamaCo Africa; ChijiokeOkwuokenye, chief operating officer of Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC), and Emeka Okpukpara, a partner at Nextier Power, as the moderator.

The discussions aimed to provide insights into the trajectory of the Nigerian power industry and its impact on grid stability and customer tariffs.

The panelists, while addressing “the importance of implementing advanced solutions for metering and monitoring power flows”, considered as a critical factor in the sector, stressed the need for “comprehensive systems to understand and analyse data, ensure accurate net metering and effective management of the power network.

“The conversation also delved into the significance of aligning incentives within distribution companies (Discos), emphasising the need for cost-effective operations, improved collections, and efficient billing systems”, said a statement issued after the session.

The panelists acknowledged the ongoing efforts in deploying supervisory control and data acquisition systems for visibility across the entire network.

Amid the challenges, the panel expressed optimism for the future of Nigeria’s power sector. They noted the achievements and milestones since the privatisation in 2013 and highlighted the progressive evolution of the recent Electricity Act.

The participants urged stakeholders, including consumers, to play a crucial role in contributing to a more sustainable and reliable power sector.

According to them, “paying bills promptly and reducing energy losses were emphasised as vital steps towards achieving a self-funding and self-reliant system.

“As Nigeria navigates the complexities of its power landscape, the industry remains focused on addressing fundamental issues and embracing technological advancements to build a resilient and efficient power infrastructure.”

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Chijioke Okwuokenye, representing Abuja distribution company (Disco), underscored the importance of addressing revenue shortfalls while emphasising ongoing efforts to rectify the situation. He outlined plans to reconcile regulatory assets owed to the Disco and highlighted the commitment to meeting obligations through strategic initiatives, as he reflected on past milestones and current challenges.

Andrew Smith also emphasised the need for a holistic approach to power sector reform. He stressed the significance of governance, transparency, and stakeholder coordination to drive progress, even as he highlighted the importance of ensuring cost-effective tariffs and stringent measures to deter power theft, in his contributions

The discussions also delved into the potential of net metering and advanced grid solutions in bolstering grid stability and tariff management.