• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Chief of the Air Staff optimistic about Nigeria’s security outlook

Hassan Bala H B Abubakar

Hassan Abubakar, the chief of the air staff, has expressed confidence in Nigeria’s path towards safety and security, emphasiding the importance of a unified approach by the Armed Forces.

Speaking at a Christmas luncheon organised for the Air Component of Operation Hadin Kai (OPHK) in Maiduguri, Abubakar highlighted the need for a comprehensive strategy, encompassing both military and societal efforts.

In a statement released by Edward Gabkwet, Director of Public Relations and Information, Nigerian Air Force, Abubakar stressed the significance of maintaining focus on their objectives.

He acknowledged the challenges faced by the country but underscored the effectiveness of a whole-of-society approach in winning public support and swiftly countering threats posed by terrorists and other non-state actors.

The Air Chief lauded the Nigerian Air Force’s ongoing engagement with societal groups through medical outreaches and welfare advocacies.

He assured that NAF personnel were continually trained on international standards regarding the Law of Armed Conflict, Rules of Engagement, and human rights principles.

Additionally, pilots, engineers, and technicians received training to enhance safety management during air operations.

Taking stock of recent accomplishments, Air Marshal Abubakar commended the collective efforts of the Air Component, alongside the Land and Maritime Components.

I’mHe noted significant strides in dismantling terrorist networks, leading to reduced freedom of movement for criminals and the surrender of several terrorists and their families.

Expressing gratitude to the troops, Air Marshal Abubakar acknowledged their commitment and sacrifices, stating, “Your selfless acts of courage and bravery, as well as your unwavering dedication and service to our nation, have afforded our citizens the opportunity to peacefully celebrate and enjoy this festive moment.”

In the spirit of Christmas, he reminded the troops that the season goes beyond festivities, emphasizing love, compassion, and the role of being our brothers’ keepers.

He asserted that even in modest circumstances, the spark of hope can be ignited—an essence reflected in the fight against insurgency and criminality.

The event served as a platform for the Chief of the Air Staff to appreciate and bond with the troops, fostering comradeship and regimentation.