• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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ARM boosts healthcare facility in Lagos with equipment, renovation

ARM boosts healthcare facility in Lagos with equipment, renovation

Asset & Resource Management Holding Company (ARM) has given a boost to the healthcare facility in Lagos State with the renovation and donation of a set of laboratory equipment to the Outpatient Health Centre in Onikan.

The facelift to the hospital facility built in the ’60s according to ARM was in line with its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy, to support the Lagos State Government in the battle against Covid-19, as well as support immediate communities to live a healthy life for growth and economic prosperity.

Receiving the donation on behalf of the State Government on Friday, Commissioner for Health Professor Akin Abayomi said the equipment donated by ARM is the first of its kind in Nigeria and in the whole of West Africa.

“For this, I must congratulate ARM for being the first donor of this equipment in Nigeria and indeed West Africa;

Abayomi who applauded the gesture said it will help Lagos in containing the impact of Covid-19, as the equipment will help the hospital to effectively manage blood transfusion by ensuring that only safe and clean blood is received from donors and transferred to recipients.

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He said that state was making efforts to contain the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic, by increasing public health response and maintaining a balanced economic system.

Jumoke Ogundare, Chief Executive Officer of ARM Holdings speaking during the official presentation said this year has been a challenging one for all nation’s including Nigeria as a result of Covid-19 pandemic.

Ogundare said ARM has looked at the impact of the pandemic on the health sector as well as the population, and so decided to make a difference with the renovation of this facility and donation of the equipment.

“This is in line with our Corporate Social Responsibility, and we are hoping that it will help the State government, the hospital and the immediate community, particularly at this time when Covid-19 has taken huge toll on our economy, Ogundare said.

Biyi Kufor, Medical Director, Onikan Health Centre thanked ARM for coming to support the state and the hospital with the facilities, stating that Centrifuge equipment donated by ARM is the best that could happen to the hospital at this time.

He promised that the equipment would be used to help patients and for the good of humanity.