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7 things Nigerians stopped eating because they became too costly

7 things Nigerians stopped eating because they became too costly

As the cost of living continues to rise steadily in Nigeria, the affordability of everyday essentials, including food, has become a growing concern for households across the country.

A stark illustration is the escalating cost of preparing a pot of jollof rice, a favourite Nigerian dish, for a family of five. In 2006, it cost N4,087. By 2024, the price has skyrocketed to N16,955, reflecting Nigeria’s food inflation rate which reached 40.01% in March 2024, a significant increase from previous years.

Against the economic challenges that persist in Nigeria, many Nigerians have been forced to make significant adjustments to their diets due to rising food prices. In response to escalating costs, several once-common food items have become increasingly unaffordable for the average consumer. From staple foods to everyday snacks, here are seven things Nigerians have stopped eating because they have become too costly.

Canned Sardines

Once popular and readily available in many households across Nigeria, these small fish were a convenient and affordable source of protein. Families would often incorporate sardines into their meals, whether as a standalone dish or as an ingredient in stews and sauces. However, as food inflation has been on the rise, the price of sardines has skyrocketed. Previously sold for as low as 150 to 200 naira per tin, sardines now command prices ranging from 1000 to 1200 naira. This drastic price increase has forced many households to rethink their food budgets, with sardines becoming a luxury item rather than a dietary essential.


Another essential in the Nigerian diet, bread, has also seen a significant increase in prices. Jumbo bread loaves, once sold at around N1,500, are now priced as high as N2,500, and in some cases, even reaching N3,500. This price increase has made bread less readily available in Nigerian homes.


Cereals like cornflakes and Golden Morn, once the go-to breakfast choice for both children and adults, have become increasingly inaccessible due to soaring prices. These convenient options were once a staple on breakfast tables nationwide, providing a quick and satisfying start to the day for countless families. However, with the sharp surge in their prices, many households are now struggling to afford these beloved breakfast cereals. Previously priced around 650 naira, they now range from as low as 1500 to a staggering 5000 naira, making them a luxury rather than a regular part of the morning routine.


The current economic situation has led to a sharp increase in yam prices, placing this beloved crop beyond the reach of the average Nigerian consumer. One medium-sized yam is sold for over 1500 naira, making it difficult for average Nigerians to afford this food item.



The affordability of fruits has also been affected by rising prices. A single apple now sells for over 350 naira, while a small orange can cost more than 100 naira. This trend is not limited to specific fruits but is evident across various types, making it challenging for average Nigerians to incorporate these nutritious foods into their daily meals.


The affordability of potatoes, both sweet and Irish, has significantly declined in Nigeria. Previously, sweet potatoes were available for as low as 200 naira, but now even with 500 naira, acquiring enough for a satisfying meal for one person is challenging. Similarly, Irish potatoes now come at a much higher cost, with prices starting from over 2000 naira.


Price of garri

This versatile food item, made from cassava flakes, is a fundamental part of Nigerian cuisine, consumed in various forms. Whether enjoyed raw with water, sugar, and optional additions like milk and groundnut for those with greater means or used to make Eba, a popular dish eaten across the country, garri holds a significant cultural and culinary significance in Nigeria. Now, what was once a readily accessible food, even for low-income earners, has become a luxury item. The price for a paint bucket measure of garri has soared to as high as N3500 in some markets, placing it beyond the reach of many Nigerians.