• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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15 students missing, one shot as gunmen storm Tsangaya school Sokoto

Gunmen abduct civil servant near military base as insecurity further grips Abuja

Not less than 15 students have been confirmed missing after gunmen reportedly stormed Tsangava school at Gidan Bakuso in Gada local
government area of Sokoto State.

Reports say that the students were abducted from their school around 1:am on Saturday.

The proprietor of the school, Liman Abubakar, told journalists that 15 students were unaccounted so far but there could be more as they were still counting.

Abubakar said the gunmen believed to be bandits invaded the town around 1am, shot one person and abducted a woman.

“As they were leaving the town, they sighted our students rushing into their rooms and they kidnapped many of them.

“We have so far counted 15 who are missing and we are still searching for more,” he said.

Abubakar said that this was not the first time the village was attacked by bandits.

Kabiru Dauda, member, representing Gada-East Constituency at the state House of Assembly, while confirming the attack, said he received a call from the village around 2am that it was invaded by bandits.

“I reached out to the local government authorities and security agencies and I am sure they are doing something
about it,” he said.

Reports said that bandits attacked and killed three persons at Turba village in Isa Local Government Area of the state, including the village head.

Habibu Modachi, a member representing Isa Constituency, confirmed the incident. He said it was a reprisal after security operatives raided bandits’ hideouts two days ago.

The spokesman of the Sokoto State Police Command, ASP Ahmad Rufa’i, said he was not aware of the development but he would contact the Divisional Police Officer of the local government areas and get back to our reporter.
Daily Trust reported that the attack came at a time the state is witnessing the passing out of its Community

Guards Corps, the initiative of the state government aimed at curtailing banditry.