• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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It is the duty of the church to be united in Christ – Primate Udofia

Primate Udofia

His Eminence, Emmanuel Josiah Udofia, primate, The African Church, in this interview with SEYI JOHN SALAU spoke on the xenophobic attacks on Nigerians, insecurity and economic challenges facing the nation. The African Church primate also wants the government to do more in opening up the economy to be more inclusive for all. Excerpt:

In few weeks from now Nigeria will be celebrating her 59th independence; however, the country appears to be crawling at 59, what is your view on the state of the nation?

We thank God that by the grace of God the Lord has been with us; because if not, one or two things would have taken Nigeria out of existence. But, no nation without a challenge and Nigeria as a nation has some challenges. Number of them is unemployment that is very important in any nation, and as a result of lack of employment so many people have indulged in activities that does not bring development to the nation. Because of lack of employment so many people have indulged in things to earn a living which is now bringing shame to our nation Nigeria. Another challenge is insecurity in Nigeria and everybody in Nigeria knows that there is a serious security problem in this nation; so there are others like the educational sector challenges with so many people with university degrees, and at the end of the day they cannot defend their certificate. So many people go to different kind of institutions but have a certificate they cannot defend the certificate obtained from their various institutions – so, it is a great challenge to our nation Nigeria. The economic sector (agriculture as an example), Nigeria used to export to other countries but now Nigeria is importing almost everything into the country, so the economic sector is also in a serious challenge. Now talking about development in Nigeria; I only believe that in a nation where there is no steady power supply, I don’t know the kind of development they are talking about because if somebody opens a cottage industry and if the person considers the amount of money that would be spent on generator and other generating plants; you will agree with me that such a company can never last. And, again even if they last, the product of that company will be so expensive because everything about the generating plant will be brought to bear on the consumers of that product or service, which are challenges on its own but that does not mean Nigeria does not have a good side because by the grace of God as a nation there are certain things that we can say that God has been helping us to survive.

Looking at the security challenges that you made mention of (youth unemployment, increasing population); it appears the government is losing it?

The government should be proactive; Nigerians should not wait until a particular bandit or terror group strike before proffering solution to that challenge. And, again the nation Nigeria should also do everything possible to have that political will to secure this nation. Because if there is no political willingness to secure the country, no matter the amount of money spent every year, the same story will reoccur almost on yearly basis. So, there must be a political will to secure the nation – when that is done and the people in charge of our security architecture should show some level of seriousness. We have the army, police, and other paramilitary and we have this insecurity everywhere; so they should be asked what the problem is, why is it that in every local government in Nigeria we have the security outfit and yet we have this level insecurity, so they should be asked to give account of what they are doing.

Do you think government response to the xenophobic attack on Nigerians in South Africa is enough?

I want to appreciate the effort of the president; I think what he has done so far – I commend him for that. But, I want him to do more beyond that, because as they are coming back what are they coming to do. It was for lack of what to do that they ran out of this country. And there are other people like that who have left Nigeria for one reason or the other, now that they are coming back – about 400 to 500 have come back to the country, so what is their hope in this country? What about does who are in Nigeria that are eager to travel out of Nigeria and then we have these ones coming in, so I am advising the government – there in money in this nation but unfortunately the money is in private pockets; some few Nigerians have money that can feed millions of people in this nation; so let them establish companies and factories that will enable people to work.

Back to the church; worshippers will always want the church to be accountable. How can we make the church leadership more accountable?

Our own church by the grace of God publishes account every week and also parishes, archdeaconry, dioceses, all give account every year. So, as long as am concern the church is doing her best because when you talk of accountability in our church and some other churches (denomination) that I know; they have open door policy where every member have access to intermission, everybody has access to whatever the church is doing; at our meetings you free to ask any question and nobody is hindered from asking any question. So, I believe by the grace of God that most of the churches that I know are operating a system whereby – if it is a personal church, that may be those who do not know what they are doing; but those who know what they are doing, even if it is an individual church; the individual himself/ herself will never be number one and the last, you will have other officers, platforms where members can have access to him for members to freely speak with him – ask him questions and freely obtain answers. So I want to believe by the grace of God that the church in this area is not doing badly as far as I am concerned because apart from accountability in the financial aspect, spiritual, numerical and structural aspect; by the grace of God every church, using our church as an example – by the grace of God we meet every month, every quarter, some weekly to discuss issues; so whatever problem you have and again by this meetings, individuals are being put into consideration.

CAN motto says ‘That they may be one’ and we see the leadership of CAN in Lagos state are working to unite the church, trying to take that denominational barrier away. What is your take on this move?

Yes that is the duty of the church, and again it is the duty of any organisation. CAN is an umbrella body of many denomination, so it is her role to make sure she does things that will harmonise and unite all the arms of the churches; all the denominations, that will bring them together and make everyone to have a sense of belonging to know that no matter which denomination or whatever bloc you belong, we are all brothers and sisters. So every effort that is gear towards this is a welcome development.