• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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For a prosperous year Nigerians must maintain robust relationship with God – Primate Udofia

Emmanuel Josiah Udofia

His Eminence, Emmanuel Josiah Udofia, Primate of The African Church in this interview with SEYI JOHN SALAU spoke on the incessant attacks on Nigerians, especially religious leaders. The African Church primate also urged Nigerians to have a robust relationship with God for a more rewarding year. Excerpts:

We recently celebrated this year’s Armed Forces Remembrance Day; what other options are there for government in enthroning peace across Nigeria?

First, I want everybody to appreciate the effort of our fallen heroes. It is my prayers that all the armies who fought for the peace of this nation and all those who were involved in the fight for peace in Nigeria; to secure life, may their soul rest in peace and may God comfort their families in Jesus name (Amen). So, for peace to reign in Nigeria, let our leaders do the needful. Let them go back to the drawing board; how did Nigeria coexist before now, what has gone wrong. When some of us were younger, you can live anywhere in Nigeria without knowing if you are from the east, west or north; but anywhere you are in Nigeria now, you are not safe except by God’s grace. You are not secure except you are under God’s divine security. So, I want the government to go back to the drawing board and see where they have failed. Government should be able to sit back and have a holistic review of what is happening in Nigeria and see what can be done about it.

You said something about government doing the needful; can you be specific on what to do?

Let me go back to the issue of restructuring. Restructuring will help Nigeria a great deal; restructuring will assist Nigerians know where they belong, and when Nigerians know where they belong; I want to believe nobody would want to destroy where they belong. For instance, when it comes to employment opportunities, look at the army or the entire force in its entirety; look at all those commanding the important offices all together; then you will agree with me that the way we are going is not the right way to go. A situation where only a particular section of the country is allowed to occupy certain positions; I do not think that speaks well about Nigeria as a nation.

Just about a week ago, a Reverend was killed in Niger State; what does it say about attacks on the Church in Nigeria?

The killings in Nigeria have been going on for so long now. I do not want to believe that it is an attack on the Church just because some pastors were killed. So many people have been killed since the beginning of this year by bandits. I want to say that apart from these men of God being killed; so many have been killed in the society.

Away from civilians being killed across the country; there are pockets of attacks on some military base in the Northeast; yet the government wants us to believe that the war on terrorism has been won; are we really winning the war?

Each time they give this kind of account or give this kind of message, it makes some people to laugh because almost on a daily basis we have been told of how the terrorists are killed. Now, not only civilians get attacked but even military men, police and the rest of them are being killed. Now, they said the war on terror is being won; but how come a governor of a state was almost attacked, and of recent we heard they went to Buhari’s town and they cleared and killed so many people. So, if it is true that they have defeated the terrorists, these ones killing people; where are they coming from? If somebody has been defeated; it means the power must have been taken away from that person. The person who is defeated has no power to do anything at all; but how come the people they claim have been defeated are destroying army base, destroying a governor’s convey, and killing people. It is my prayer that our military officers will think twice before they give any notice on air.

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With the number of deaths being reported around the world and in Nigeria; why do you think some people still do not believe there is Covid-19?

I am a Nigeria and I know what Nigerians can do. Because of the way our attitude is, that is why at times anything of importance will not be attached that importance because of how our leaders are handling issues. Like this Covid-19 – in fact, I don’t want to say much on that. Whether there is Covid-19 or not; as people are saying there is Covid-19. I know what happens in Nigeria and how they are playing politics with it, but I want to say this: if it is confirmed that there is Covid-19, everybody should obey the rules.

Is it then safe to have schools reopen amid the pandemic?

Well, by the grace of God; as I said before, Nigeria is the nation we all look up to. If they have assured us that our children will be safe; I think it is fine to have the children go back to school. Staying at home – you see, the #EndSARS of a thing, if the students were in their various institutions, I don’t think the gravity of what happened during the #EndSARS would have been so. But because when these students are at home they are ready to do anything- but when they are engaged in their academic activities then there will be less time for them to do other things. So, I agree that our children should be allowed to go back to school with adequate protection.

Are you not bothered that the leadership crisis in the church is lingering too long?

It gives some of us a lot of concern because nobody ever envisages this; but that notwithstanding, by the grace of God, brethren are praying; lovers of God and lovers of the church are praying and I believe that by the grace of God, sooner than later the will of God will be done.

It is a New Year and many Nigerians are looking up to God for something good. What is your message to Nigerians?

My message to Nigerians including myself is this- with God nothing shall be impossible. When we have fellowship with God, most of the things we are passing through will become things of the past. The bible says that, ‘For with God all things are possible’. When we try to solve our problems by ourselves, that’s when the solution will be hard. When we try to do everything we want to do by our own limited knowledge, it becomes too difficult to get to the solution. But, when you bring God into whatever you want to do; although people are criticising that Nigerians are talking about God, God, God; I want to say this, if Nigerians, especially believers do not talk about God; do not talk about Jesus Christ, only God knows what would happen by now. So, in this New Year, for us to achieve our objectives and get to where we ought to get to, let us have fellowship with God. Do not forget that when a fish jumps out of the water, that fish will eventually die. But, as long as that fish is in the water, it lives in freedom and continues to live on. What am I saying here? I am saying that as long as we keep our trust and confidence in God, we are bound to succeed in all our endeavours.