• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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Christ cannot allow the pandemic to destroy his church – Udofia

Christ cannot allow the pandemic to destroy his church – Udofia

In this interview with SEYI JOHN SALAU, Emmanuel Udofia, primate of the African Church, speaks on the need for government to reopen worship centres, why the leadership of African Church took the legal route in search of a solution to the misunderstanding in the church, and what the sudden suspension of Ibrahim Magu as the chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) means to Nigeria’s anti-corruption war. Excerpts:

Nigerian Christians have been accused of exhibiting reckless confidence in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic; what is your take on this?

According to what we have been told, that there is COVID-19 in Nigeria and based on what we have heard from other countries which also means that there is COVID-19 in Nigeria. But, what I know is that although people are talking about precautionary measures and others; personally I know that it is God’s divine intervention; that is why the scourge of the pandemic is not seriously felt in Nigeria.

Some medical experts are of the view that the virus has come to stay and have advised that we use a face mask in public to limit its spread; why are people not using their mask?

I want to say that it is not only about COVID-19; Nigerians generally do not follow guidelines. The truth is that it is only by the mercies of God that we are surviving, and I will key it into the issue of HIV/AIDS. Everybody knows that HIV/AIDS is real, but upon all the enlightenment, instructions, and other measures, people are still indulging themselves in all sorts of immorality and other things that could cause HIV/AIDS to spread. So, I want to advise Nigerians that we should keep to the simple instructions as given by the WHO and other medical experts. It is for our own good and wellbeing because if anybody dies today that is the end. So, we should keep to the instructions and guidelines so as to live; and it is by being alive that we can fulfil our expectations and whatever may be our heart desires.

READ ALSO: Immunisation: Traditional leaders, religious bodies tasked to sensitise people

What is your take on the continued closure of worship centres in places like Lagos and Ogun states?

I am saying this as a servant of God; from the time of the Old Testament till now; anytime there is a pandemic like this, people always cry to God. When they are faced with a situation nobody could control, a situation where nobody could provide any form of remedy, everybody used to run to God. I know that people can pray in their houses, people can pray in their closets and other places, But, gathering together have also been approved by God as we have in the scriptures; for instance, markets are allowed to open, but the situation in the church cannot be as worse as we have in the markets considering the number of people that visit the markets. If you go to the market to see how people behave in the markets; how people touch one another in the market; whereas if the church is open, the kind of friction you have in the market you cannot have in the church. So, I believe the church is more organised than the market they are opening; and I want to believe that the God of heaven that we serve will not allow any negative outcome because people are gathered to worship him; people are gathered to praise him. He will not allow the pandemic to destroy his church – Christ can never allow that to happen. Yes, I believe that people gathered endlessly to serve God; that is where solutions are all provided for problems. Those people who gathered to worship this God with sincerity of heart – that is where solutions to whatever people encountered are provided.

READ ALSO: COVID-19: Churches reopen partially in Kwara

The African Church is in a leadership crisis that is currently in court; why is the church taking a legal route in search of a solution?

Well, it is unfortunate that that has happened because I have been preaching against it and up till now am still against it – whether we are in court or not, am still against it. Sometime last year, they took me to court and so many things began to happen; harassment and many other things, and in response to that, this side of the church also went to court. But, we are trusting God as a family – after all, there is no family without some misunderstanding; so, we are trusting God that in one way or the other, God will see us through so that we can become true brothers and sisters.

Away from the legal issue, what other options are available to both parties?

Well, by the grace of God there are some moves for reconciliation and I want to believe when we get there – that is where and when what you are asking me now will come to play. But we are trusting God to help us; we cannot trust ourselves.

The EFCC acting chairman was recently suspended by the President on allegation of corruption; what does this say about the anti-corruption fight as a country?

Well, since it is said to be an allegation, but if at the end of the day the man is found guilty; it, therefore, means Nigeria is at a place to be pitied. Because only God knows how much havoc that man could have caused this nation since he was made the chairman of that particular body. If that man is found guilty, I repeat; only God knows the kind of transactions that man could have done in the secret before being revealed – it, therefore, means that Nigeria is a country that should be pitied. Because, this was somebody who was so much trusted even by our President; somebody who was being trusted by so many people – if he could be found guilty, it means that this nation needs divine intervention.

If he is found guilty, would that suggest that Nigerians should apologise to the 8th Senate led by Bukola Saraki over the allegation against Magu which was treated as mere politics?

Well, whether they apologise to Saraki or not; if this man is found guilty – apart from apologising, it also means all those who supported him then will be ashamed because they were supporting somebody they never knew. They were supporting somebody who was committing a criminal act they themselves did not know about and have now brought shame over all of them. So, it is a pity that all these are happening in our country.