• Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Elevate your energy, elevate your life

Elevate your energy, elevate your life

Everything is constantly in motion with too many of you feeling stuck in patterns of stress, dissatisfaction, or lack of fulfillment. But what if the key to changing your life lies not in changing external circumstances, but in changing the energy that drives those circumstances? Energy is a fundamental ‘force’ that underpins everything in the universe, from the largest galaxies to the smallest atoms. On a personal level, energy is your ‘life force’, the invisible essence that radiates from your thoughts, emotions, and actions. This energy shapes your relationships, careers, health, and overall life experiences.

The way you feel about yourself, the people you attract into your life, the opportunities you find (or do not find), and even your physical well-being are influenced by the energy you ‘emit and absorb’. At the core of changing your energy is understanding its different states of existence which are influenced by your thoughts, emotions, habits, and even your environment.

· Positive Energy is the energy of joy, gratitude, love, and enthusiasm. You feel light, open, and optimistic. You radiate warmth and attract positive experiences.

· Negative Energy comes from fear, anger, anxiety, and resentment. It feels heavy, constrictive, and draining. You see a world of lack or struggle resulting in more challenges.

· High energy is about vibrancy and vitality. You feel fully alive, engaged, and focused resulting in being more productive, creative, and resilient.

· Low energy feels like fatigue, or disconnection. It is hard to find motivation or joy and often leads to feelings of depression or burnout.

· Blocked Energy happens when there is unresolved emotional pain, trauma, or limiting beliefs. It manifests as physical symptoms (chronic pain), mental fog, or a feeling of being unable to move forward in life.

You move between these states all the time. But when you are stuck in negative, low, or blocked energy for prolonged periods, it becomes hard to live life. Your thoughts and emotions are two of the most potent forces that influences your energy. Your every thought carries energy, and repetitive thoughts create dominant energy patterns. Thoughts of fear or doubt with feelings of anger, jealousy, or sadness create a low vibrational state that attracts more fear-induced situations. Thoughts of abundance, success, and possibility with feelings of joy, love, or excitement elevates your energy. Suppressing or avoiding emotions does not make them disappear; it leads to blocked energy.

Leverage these practical steps to change and elevate your personal energy:

· Be Mindful and Aware: Regularly check in with yourself identifying negative self-talk, people and environments for misalignment. Words carry energy. Focus on gratitude, be kind, empathetic, and understanding. Surround yourself with uplifting people. Chaotic spaces block energy flow. Get organized. Quiet your mind and observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment.

· Let Go of What No Longer Serves You: Are you holding on to past hurts, limiting beliefs, or toxic relationships? Holding on weighs you down and blocks the flow of new, vibrant energy. Address and heal these wounds, whether through therapy, journaling, or talking with a trusted friend. Healing does not mean forgetting or pretending the pain did not happen. Energy follows intention which is about consciously deciding what you want and taking steps, however small, toward it.

· Physically Move to Allow Energy Flow: The body and mind are deeply connected. Practices like gentle stretching, or simply going for a walk help rest your energy and raise your overall vibration, especially if you have been sitting long or feel emotionally stuck. Spend time in nature, whether in a park, ocean, or forest, to help you reconnect with the natural energy rhythms of the earth.

As you shift your energy, notice how your outer world starts to change. This is not a coincidence but a “ripple effect,” where one small shift creates a wave of positive changes, not only in your life but others. You stop living on autopilot creating your own reality, guided by a clear sense of direction. Relationships become smoother and more fulfilling, conflicts decrease, and you are more empathetic and understanding. This does not mean that challenges disappear.

Whether you are solving complex problems at work, coming up with new business ideas, or finding better ways to balance your personal and professional life, elevated energy helps you approach these challenges from fresh, inspired angles. Changing your energy is not about forcing yourself to be positive all the time or denying the difficulties of life. It is about becoming aware of the energy you are emitting or absorbing, understanding how it affects your life, and taking proactive steps to shift in ways that serve your highest potential.

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