• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Olufunto Boroffice, founder/ CEO of Chanja Datti

Olufunto Boroffice, founder CEO of Chanja Datti

Olufunto Boroffice is the Founder and CEO of Chanja Datti, a social enterprise that transforms waste into value. They are currently focused on collecting and transforming recyclable waste, while creating platform for unemployed women and youths to become micro entrepreneurs. Since its establishment, they have been directly responsible for diverting over 3,000,000kg of recyclable waste from landfills in the Abuja metropolis. They achieved this through creating 200 green jobs, and they have increased their industrial power, meaning they now recycle over 10 tons of plastic film per month into recycled resins for production of recycled poly bags and construction materials.

Boroffice is the convener of the Initiative for the Advancement of Waste Management in Africa (W.A.S.T.E Africa).

W.A.S.T.E Africa’s mission is to increase awareness of waste challenges and solutions especially targeted at women/girls and at-risk youths on the African continent starting with Nigeria, and most importantly convert that heightened awareness into action which then leads to impact. The focus areas are waste management, affordable energy and action for climate change, sustainable cities and communities, technology/innovation, economic empowerment and growth.

As Technical Assistant to the Honourable Minister of Power on Investments, Finance & Donor Relations, Federal Ministry of Power, Nigeria, she was responsible for advising the Minister on strategies that will enable the Ministry to contribute to Nigeria’s economic development by securing new investment from foreign and multinational companies in the power and related sectors, and by enhancing the mandate of foreign companies already located in Nigeria in a variety of business sectors, as well as planning, coordinating and assuring implementation of strategies to encourage, promote, and coordinate donor and foreign direct investment to support the development of the power sector.

Read also: Onyejeocha urges women to participate actively in politics to make difference

Boroffice was also responsible for the implementation of signed MoUs, by facilitating the development of power projects that will enable the Federal Ministry of Power and the Honourable Minister meet and exceed the generation and delivery of 40,000 MW of stable and quality power to the Nigerian people for infrastructure building, economic development, job creation, and poverty alleviation.

Olufunto is an exco member of Waste Management Society of Nigeria (WAMASON), Abuja chapter; Associate member of WIMBIZ (Women in Management, Business & Public Service), a Nigerian NGO, the lead coordinator for the Green Coalition of Abuja and is a celebrated speaker and mentor especially to girls and women.

She holds a Masters in Financial Management from Pace University’s Lubin School of Business in New York, and a Bachelor of Accounting and Finance from Northeastern University in Boston where she graduated cum laude.

She is passionate about environmental and waste management, women and youth empowerment, as well as entrepreneurial development.