• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Meet Dora Enwere, entrepreneur empowering communities

Dora Enwere (1)

Dora Enwere’s foray into entrepreneurship and philanthropy is fueled by her commitment to effecting positive change and nurturing hope.

As a serial entrepreneur and a psychology expert, Enwere aims to make a meaningful difference in her community and beyond.

“I am fueled by my passion for problem-solving,” Enwere, founder of Dora Aid Foundation told BusinessDay.

“Since childhood, I’ve been drawn to finding solutions, whether they’re directly or indirectly connected to me. This drive led me into serial entrepreneurship, where I focus on meeting needs and providing essential products.”

Read also: How storytelling promotes entrepreneurs’ visibility

In addition to that, Enwere’s philanthropic spirit took root at the young age of 18 with the founding of the Dora Aid Foundation.

Inspired by her own experiences growing up in a middle-class family in a rural-urban environment, she was moved to act.

“I saw the disparities and poor living standards in rural communities and was motivated to make a change,” she said.

The Dora Aid Foundation has since undertaken numerous impactful projects, from scholarship programs to school feeding initiatives. “My personal goal is to support as many Nigerian children as I can, promoting quality wellbeing and education,” Enwere emphasized.

“Children are the most vulnerable population, and it’s our duty to ensure their rights are respected and they receive quality education.”

As the founder of OnDeemove logistics, Girlsential, Hydeparksocialhouse and House of Slayers, Enwere’s ventures are diverse yet united by a common thread: positive impact and her education at the South African College of Applied Psychology (SACAP) have been instrumental in this journey.

“Psychology teaches the interconnectedness of things,” she noted. “This understanding has broadened my perspective and significantly improved my communication abilities, essential in business.”

In her role as a community development expert, Enwere engages communities, stakeholders, and organisations to design and implement projects that foster growth and development.

“Child education and wellbeing are our core areas, but supporting child health is equally crucial,” she stated.

“A sick child cannot be educated. Addressing financial challenges faced by parents and guardians is key to reducing child mortality in Nigeria.”

Despite the challenges in her entrepreneurial journey, Enwere remains undeterred. Balancing her roles as a psychologist, entrepreneur, and philanthropist is a daily endeavour.

“Finding balance is an ongoing process,” she said. “I stay afloat by prioritising and building a quality team.”

Looking ahead, Enwere’s aspirations are to continue her impactful work, collaborate with more organizations, and raise awareness for her causes. Moreover, in her advice to young African women aspiring to entrepreneurship, she said.

“Entrepreneurship is never easy but always worth it. Hard work and consistency are key. Start small, understand your market, and don’t follow the crowd. Create your own wave.”