• Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Nigeria: My thought

Nigeria: My thought

Nigeria: My thought

Nigeria, a country created and divinely located by God in West Africa, endowed with milk and honey, a country with human and material resources, a land of rare gems and celebrated intellectuals, is a land whose people wear kindness as garment. Nigeria is the home of hospitality in its entirety; a land known for her cultural diversities and varieties and a strong and kind supporter to her neighbours.

The enemies have tried to snuff you out of existence and put you in the past for you to become history. Alas! Your destiny shines on as your expiration becomes expired until your creator deems it fit, no wonder you are the Giant of Africa. Shine on Nigeria, shine on the giant of Africa, I celebrate you today and always.

Nigerians it is time to roll up the sleeves and work for the success of our great nation because greatness is in her DNA, and this greatness has been birthed, even before 1960. We must shake off every form of undoing and be allergic to corruption, falsehood at all levels; we must demonstrate real brotherhood, we must as a matter of resolution, as the year is winding up, work for a better Nigeria from now, always and forever.

Read also: Nigeria’s trade sector slumps into recession amid border closure

Let us make her a home for her citizens and foreigners; it must be a home for all and not a deserted place or an avoided island because of insecurity and uncertainties that have plagued our dear country. The healing of our land must start from the head, because if the head is sick the whole body will be affected, our leaders must purge themselves of all atrocities and remain the servant they have signed and taken oath to be and let God the ultimate rewards them, as ill-gotten or man-made reward or self-compensation will develop wings and fly away.

Our economy must be boosted, and our wealth must not be looted to foreign lands while our economy bleeds continuously. Together we must build this great nation since there is no place like home. Nigeria is seriously my thought, and like a treasure, there lies my heart. I hope you have Nigeria on your mind too? God bless you, God bless the Giant of Africa, Nigeria.