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Despite curfew, killers overrun Plateau community

Despite curfew, killers overrun Plateau community

…Abuja seems overwhelmed, issues only threats

In a surprising and sobering turn of events, the persistent crisis in Plateau State has proven to be a formidable challenge even for the highest office in the nation, as President Bola Ahmed Tinubu grapples with the complexities of the unrest.

Despite the immense authority that comes with the presidency, the intricate nature of the Plateau crisis appears to resist swift resolution.

President Tinubu, a seasoned politician with a track record of leadership, finds himself confronted with a crisis that transcends the usual political maneuvers. The deeply rooted historical, ethnic, and socio-economic issues at play require a nuanced, comprehensive approach that goes beyond the conventional tools of governance.

In Mangu and Bokkos alone, more than 100 people have been killed from the eve of Christmas to date. The latest been the attack again on the people of Mangu on Tuesday 23rd January, 2024 where many were killed and houses destroyed.

Read also: Go hard on terrorist disturbing Plateau, Lagbaja tells troops in Mangu

The latest attack on the people of Mangu has forced the State Governor, Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang to declare a 24-hour curfew on Mangu Local Government Area of the state with immediate effect. This followed the deteriorating security situation in the area.

Governor Mutfwang took the decision after consultations with the relevant security agencies. He stated that only persons on essential duties are allowed to move within the Local Government area until further notice.

In a statement made available to journalists in Jos by Gyang Bere, his Director of Press and Public Affairs, the governor urged all citizens, especially residents of Mangu Local Government area, to comply with the directive and assist the security personnel by providing reliable information to restore peace and order in the area.

He lamented that some people are still determined to create an atmosphere of insecurity in the state, despite the government’s efforts to end the activities of terrorist elements.

He expressed his sympathy to the families of the victims and the injured, and assured them that the government will not relent in ensuring lasting peace in the state.

The governor promised that the curfew will be reviewed as soon as the security situation improves.

During vice president Kashim Shettima’s visit after the Christmas eve attack, he conveyed the federal government message by saying, “now Please accept our heartfelt condolences. Please accept our deepest apologies. Because we won’t rest until you access justice and until you are safe.”

Read also: Plateau: Mangu residents flee despite eased curfew, fewer attacks

“The Tinubu administration will not rest on its oars until victims of the gruesome attacks on communities in Barkin Ladi and Bokkos Local Government Areas of Plateau State get justice and the residents are safe”.

He vowed vehemently that the killings on the Plateau and other parts of the country must stop

Vice President Shettima consoles with Victims during his visit to Bokkos LGA of the State to condole with the People over the Christmas Eve Attack.

Shettima informed the people about how heart-broken his principal, President Bola Tinubu, had been since he received news of the gory incident, saying the president “is deeply shaken by this tragedy and shares in this unspeakable sorrow that has shattered the joy of Christmas across the country.

“When one community bleeds, the entire nation feels the pain. The pain we feel now transcends ethnicity or religion, geography or politics. The grief that binds us is a testament to our shared humanity, not differences,” he added.

Identifying with the grieving families who lost their loved ones in the attack, the vice president acknowledged the fact that it is an indescribable nightmare to bury families, describing it as a rare experience that is much more unbearable than the pain of losing one or two loved ones.

“We cannot fathom the depth of this grief beyond the experience of the bereaved. We can only offer to assuage your pain. What has happened to you is a funeral for the entire nation. Our hearts bleed alongside yours, our dear brothers and sisters in Bokkos, Barkin-Ladi, and all over Plateau State,” he stated.

Read also: Plateau Governor, Mutfwang relaxes curfew in Mangu LGA

Shettima Consoles with Victims during his visit to Bokkos LGA of Plateau State to condole with the People over the Christmas Eve Attack.

Vice President Shettima assured the people that the Tinubu administration is out to protect them and ensure justice, even though it may appear as if the government has failed them in their time of serious need.

“This violence persists due to this dangerous practice of treating criminals as ambassadors of their group, where the law is taken into our hands, and where protection fails. But this is not the case now. This is a promise,” Shettima assured.

Apart from the VP, the trio of Chief of Army Staff Lt. Gen Taoreed Lagbaja, Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshall Hassan Abubakar and Chief of Naval Staff Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla as well as Minister of State for Defence Bello Muhammed Matawalle and the suspended minister of Humanitarian affairs, Beta Edu also visited the attacked areas.

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) on their part condemned the heinous Plateau attack as Amnesty international demands independent investigation.

Three weeks after the VP and service Chiefs left the Plateau on separate visit, there was yet another heavy attack in Mangu local government area that also left many innocent Nigerians killed with so many houses destroyed.

The recent attacks after the VPs visit underscores the limitations of political power in the face of deeply entrenched conflicts. President Tinubu’s involvement serves as a stark reminder that even the highest office in the land must contend with the intricate web of issues contributing to the unrest in Plateau State.

The Plateau crisis, characterized by historical grievances, ethnic tensions, and economic disparities, resists easy solutions. President Tinubu’s intervention highlight the need for a holistic strategy that goes beyond political negotiations, involving community leaders, civil society, and grassroots organizations.

Read also: Tensions rise in Plateau as Military and CAN face-off over Daluk allegations

While the presidency commands attention and authority, it also illuminates the daunting challenges of addressing a crisis as multifaceted as the one in Plateau State. If President Tinubu’s acknowledge the intricacies involved it will signal a departure from simplistic approaches and an understanding of the need for broader collaboration.

The unfolding narrative prompts critical questions about the efficacy of political leadership in resolving deeply rooted conflicts. President Tinubu’s should understand the importance of building institutions and frameworks that can systematically address the root causes of the Plateau crisis, ensuring a sustainable peace.

The limitations of even the president in ending the Plateau crisis underscore the necessity of a long-term commitment to addressing underlying issues.

Comprehensive strategies that incorporate economic development, social justice, and cultural understanding become imperative in fostering lasting stability.

It is time for President Tinubu to realize that the crisis goes beyond a mere political tussle highlights the need for a more nuanced and holistic approach that prioritizes the well-being of the people.

The gravity of the situation demands a commitment to addressing not just the symptoms but the root causes of the unrest.

As the crisis continues, the inability of even the president to swiftly resolve the issues emphasizes the need for sustained efforts from both the federal and state governments.

It becomes evident that a collaborative and concerted approach involving various stakeholders is indispensable for achieving a durable resolution.

The international community’s attention to the Plateau crisis intensifies as the issue is brought into sharper focus.

The global perspective emphasizes the interconnectedness of peace and stability, necessitating a collective effort to address the crisis comprehensively.

President Tinubu’s engagement in the Plateau crisis will serve as a reminder of the delicate balance required in navigating Nigeria’s diverse socio-political landscape.

Read also: Plateau communities face double whammy in wake of killings

It will underscore the need for leaders who can navigate the complexities of ethnicity, religion, and regionalism while fostering unity and understanding.

The unfolding events in Plateau State present an opportunity for a broader discourse on the role of the presidency in conflict resolution. President involvement prompts a reevaluation of the expectations placed on the highest office and emphasizes the importance of a collaborative, systemic approach.

The challenges faced by President Tinubu in Plateau State highlight the limitations of top-down approaches to conflict resolution. It calls for a reexamination of strategies that empower local communities, promote dialogue, and address the root causes of the crisis to build a foundation for sustainable peace.

President Tinubu’s efforts, while commendable, serve as a wake-up call for the nation to address the Plateau crisis comprehensively. It necessitates a commitment to social justice, economic development, and inclusive governance to create an environment conducive to lasting peace.

As the Plateau crisis unfolds, it becomes increasingly apparent that no single individual, regardless of presidential authority, can provide a quick fix.

The realisation that the resolution requires a collective, multi-faceted approach sets the stage for a broader, more inclusive effort to bring about lasting stability in the state.

Read also: Police arrest 17 suspects in connection to Plateau communities attacks

The crisis, with its intricate web of historical, ethnic, and economic factors, challenges even the highest office in the land.

It emphasizes the need for humility, acknowledging the limitations of individual interventions and paving the way for a more comprehensive, collaborative strategy to foster enduring peace on the Plateau.