• Monday, June 03, 2024
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#EndSARS protests: Global Union backs PENGASSAN’s calls for arrest of masterminds of Lekki Killings

The Industrial Global union, has declared support for the resolve of Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN) to go on strike if President Muhammadu Buhari doesn’t unveil the security agents who attacked Lekki toll gates’ unarmed protesters on Tuesday night.

In a statement by its Vice President for Africa, Issa Aremu , the Industrial Global Union with 1.2 million membership in Africa, also urged all affiliates of the global union in Africa and worldwide to declare solidarity with the struggle of Nigeria’s youths against state’s brutalities.

In the statement made available to BusinessDay in Abuja on Thursday, the Union also called for youth inclusion in socio-economic development of Africa.

Aremu described the mid-night massacre of the unarmed protesters in Lagos and Jos, as “unacceptable and criminal” .

The labour leader said the recent killings amounted to “ a rude reminder of similar massacre of protesting students in the 70s and 80s under the military dictatorships adding that two decades after uninterrupted civil rule, engagement, tolerance and dialogue should not be traded for fascist attacks of the citizens.

President and General Secretary of PENGASSAN Festus Osifo and Lumumba Okugbawa, respectively, had in a statement on Wednesday, stated that the reported shooting of peaceful #endsars protesters at Lekki toll plaza and all over the country falls short of any standards of civilization globally more so at peaceful protesters in a democracy.

The Nigerian oil workers also called on President Buhari to provide adequate security for the protesters in line with democratic norms and to immediately produce the perpetrators, failing which the union would “convene an emergency meeting of our National Executive Council (NEC) to review the happenings in the Nation with the view of withdrawing our services Nationwide,”

Aremu said it was bad enough that governments at all levels proved unable to engage the protesting youths flying national flags, but worse that the youths turned targets of indiscriminate shootings at night. According to him, African youths are workers as much as leaders of today and tomorrow, no serious nation wastes youth exuberance, creativity and energy and prosper.

He noted that it was time Africa reaped the “youth demographic dividend” by mainstreaming the youths for sustainable development, adding that “we must replace state capture by the few with mass state democratization that must involve the youths and women”.

Aremu who was also the Chairman of the Youth and Labour sub-Committee of 2014 National Conference said “a youth bulge” offers opportunity for development, not a threat

“If you don’t keep them busy in schools as students, in factories for those with Decent jobs, if you don’t stop harassing and criminalizing them on the streets, what you have is what we are seeing on our streets”.

The labour leader said the protest is “ a legitimate clarion call” on the part of the youths for “inclusive development” which must be harnessed by various authorities adding that the 5-point agenda offer the basis for government-youth engagement.

Comrade Aremu also said against the backdrop of conflicting reports about shootings and casualties around the country, it was “a patriotic not just Presidential duty” for President Buhari to address the nation and sets the tone for proactive national healing, restoration of trust and prevention of further carnage.

He commended State Governors for constituting the the judicial panels to unravel the atrocities of the defunct SARS adding that the Federal government should also hit the ground running by having a truce with ASUU, reopen the universities and getting the students off the streets back to the class rooms. The government he also said should launch its much expected 777,000 jobs to creatively keep the youths engaged.

According to the Labour leader Industrial global union promotes the active integration of young workers into the unions as well as provide development through youth employment and education.

He therefore, advised the protesting youths “to urgently diversify” their strategy from the streets already vulnerable to violence to negotiating tables and meaningful results.”

“To the extent that the streets draw attention to your plights, streets protest have their value. But the youths must also realize that it was on the streets many of them were being brutalized by some police.

“So, the earlier they got off the streets to meaningful discussions with the authorities to punish and prevent further police brutalities, the better, to get them sustainable jobs and return them back to class rooms”.