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IB diploma graduands urged to imbibe right attitude to achieve excellence


The 2019 graduating class of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, the sixth form of Greensprings School, Lagos has been encouraged to imbibe the right attitude to learning and life in order to achieve excellence as they journey into the next level of their academic pursuit.

Adewale Abiru, Justice, Court of Appeal, Jos Division and guest speaker at the  prize day and graduation ceremony of the school held in Lekki campus disclosed that graduating from the IB programme for the students is the beginning of a new stage of which they are going to be a major player in terms of what happen to their lives.

He observes that it is not the diploma that they acquire that will count at this stage; rather it is the skills they acquired that will matter, adding that all the classes, lab assignment and essays they undertook are to prepare them for the challenges ahead.

According to him, “The education you acquired here is only a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to live. Some of you may struggle more than others in transiting period between this stage and the next, but I am assured that with the ability to discern, ability to focus, multi task and the ability to properly manage your time, the struggles will be very temporal”

Abiru urged the 22 graduating class to constantly remember what they came for, the pains they went through to get to where they are and the people that sacrificed for them to get there and who are interested in their success.

“You must live your life with integrity and not give in to negative peer pressure, trying to be something that you are not. Success is to make yourself and loved ones proud and to move closer to your dreams at different stages of your life”. He said.

He further pointed that the students should expect ups and down during their university lives. He however prays they have more ups than downs. Stressing that when the downs come, they will have the strength of character to persevere and overcome them.

Lai Koiki, Chief executive officer, Greensprings School observed the IB programme is a very rigorous programme and a such is so well sort after, adding that it is a programme that people that wants shortcuts don’t go for.

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Koiki opines that universities in developed economies prefer offering admissions to students that have passed through the IB diploma because they know already that the ground work has been done in preparing the students for University life.

“The students in the course of the IB programme learnt time management. These students have being pushed and tried with a lot of works, a lot of deadlines. These are the things they are going to experience when there is nobody there to check them in the university”, she said.

Jennifer Sunkanmi-Qazzeem, IB principal, Greensprings School Lagos said the IB programme started in 2010, adding that the graduating class of 2019 are unique because they have gotten for themselves the highest number of scholarships from foreign Universities so far since the programme started.

On her part, Obidinma Egbokwu, the valedictorian with an estimated 188,000 dollars worth scholarships from universities abroad said during the course of the IB programme, she gained more confident and found better ways to study effectively and retain more information.

On what made her excel, Egbokwu opines that one thing she did different was that she stopped doubting herself and surrounded herself with people who were like minded and did a lot of group studies which really helped her excelled.