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Tips for Thriving as an International Student – A Review of Osundolire Ifelanwa’s Black White


Title: Black White

Author: Osundolire Ifelanwa

Year of Publication: 2013

Number of Pages: 281

Category: Memoir

When Osundolire Ifelanwa first wrote “Black White,” he couldn’t have foreseen its eventual role as a guiding manual for countless individual’s years later. Today, many young Africans venture overseas for education, often without sufficient guidance on navigating life in foreign lands.

Like numerous foreign master’s students, Ifelanwa faced various challenges while studying abroad. Yet, it’s intriguing to note that despite initial struggles, Ifelanwa, whose name translates to “love we are looking for,” found genuine love in a foreign land and gradually adapted to life in Birmingham.

The narrative spans diverse locales such as Lagos, Ondo, the United Kingdom, and France, each vividly described in a manner that captivates the reader’s imagination, evoking a desire to experience them firsthand. The author’s skillful portrayal ignites a sense of wanderlust, drawing readers into the rich cultures and landscapes depicted.

It’s clear that Ifelanwa is not only an adventure enthusiast but also a skilled wordsmith. His adept use of language and imagery transports readers to each location, immersing them in its ambiance and allure.

Moreover, the author’s storytelling prowess can be traced back to his childhood, where he immersed himself in countless books. This early exposure to literature undoubtedly honed his craft, enabling him to craft narratives that deeply resonate with readers.

Female readers, in particular, may find themselves emotionally engaged, especially concerning the protagonist’s long-term relationship. The author skillfully navigates themes of uncertainty and emotional turmoil, drawing readers into the narrative and prompting empathy for the characters’ experiences.

While the book is enlightening and entertaining, it occasionally loses momentum, particularly when delving into academic anecdotes. However, its ability to evoke a range of emotions and perspectives ensures readers remain captivated by the protagonist’s journey of self-discovery, love, and personal growth.

Upon finishing the book, readers may find themselves eager to meet the author, drawn by the compelling narratives and vivid descriptions that evoke a strong desire for personal engagement. With each chapter, readers become increasingly invested in the author’s journey, feeling compelled to discuss the myriad of emotions and reflections provoked by the narrative.

However, despite the book’s compelling content, some readers may question why Ifelanwa’s work hasn’t received more attention, especially given his previous publications. Additionally, the cover design may not adequately capture the essence of the narrative, suggesting room for improvement.

Overall, Ifelanwa’s book emerges as a valuable resource, offering practical advice and insights to help students navigate the challenges of studying abroad.

About the reviewer

Titilade Oyemade is a business executive in a leading organisation and holds a degree in Russian Language. She’s the convener of the Hangoutwithtee Ladies Event and the publisher of Hangoutwithtee magazine. She spends her weekends attending women conferences, events and book readings. She loves to have fun and to help other women have the same in their lives. Email: [email protected] Social: @tiipreeofficial