• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Leading your career like a CEO – How to take control and achieve success

Leading your career like a CEO – How to take control and achieve success

Congratulations! You are the CEO of your own COMPANY– YOU. That’s right, you are your company, you are the head of your own career, and it’s up to you to make the decisions and take the actions that will drive your success. Your company or boss is not the CEO of your Career. They are the CEO of their own company and have probably earned the title of an employer to you but not the CEO of your CAREER.

But being the CEO of your own career isn’t just about climbing the corporate ladder or achieving a certain title. It’s about taking control of your own professional development and continuously working to become the best version of yourself. By taking charge of your career and treating it like a business, you can set yourself up for long-term success and achieve your full potential as a professional.

Here is my definition of your CEOship.

1. Chief Execution Officer: As the CEO of your career, you are responsible for turning your ideas and plans into action. This means setting clear goals, creating a roadmap for achieving them, and taking consistent and persistent steps towards your desired outcomes.

2. Chief Emotional Officer: As the CEO of your career, you will face challenges and setbacks. It’s important to have strong emotional resilience and emotional intelligence and the ability to bounce back from these challenges in order to stay focused and motivated. Bouncebackability is a thing.

3. Chief Engagement Officer: As the CEO of your career, you are responsible for building and maintaining strong relationships with colleagues, clients, and other industry professionals. This can open up new opportunities and help you grow your network.

4. Chief Ethics Officer: As the CEO of your career, it’s important to maintain high ethical standards and act with integrity in all your professional endeavors. This can help you build trust and credibility in your industry.

5. Chief Exploration Officer: As the CEO of your career, it’s important to be open to new experiences and opportunities, even if they take you outside your comfort zone. This can help you grow and develop in unexpected ways.

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6. Chief Education Officer: Continuing to learn and grow is key to success in any career. As the CEO of your career, it’s your responsibility to prioritize your own professional development and seek out new learning opportunities.

7. Chief Entrepreneurial Officer: As the CEO of your career, it’s important to think outside the box and be open to new ideas and approaches. Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset can help you stand out in the job market and seize new opportunities.

8. Chief Empowerment Officer: As the CEO of your career, you have the power to shape your own path and create the future you want. Embrace this power and use it to empower yourself.

9. Chief Empathy Officer: As a CEO, it’s important to have strong emotional intelligence and the ability to understand and relate to others. This can help you build strong relationships, navigate challenging situations, and lead effectively those around you.

10. Chief Excellence Officer: As the CEO, you must be dedicated to continuously improve yourself and your work, set high standard and strive to achieve excellence in all you do.

So get to work CEO. There is work to be done.

About Author

Temitope Olukunle is the Founder and CEO of Outnovately Africa, a Global Talent Recruitment Agency. She is a seasoned global talent and human resources consultant, career coach, gig economist, and author with a passion for helping African talents, young visionaries, upwardly mobile entrepreneurs, and innovators achieve their personal and professional goals.

With a proven track record of success, Temitope has helped more than 30 global enterprises hire at scale and spoken on various platforms. As a career coach, she has trained over 1500+ young professionals on how to secure international remote gigs, position themselves in the global economy, earn in foreign currencies, level up their borderless career, and create a full-time digital career portfolio.

Temitope holds a Master’s Degree from the University of Lagos, with several professional certifications and memberships, including Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants, Certified Management Specialist from the London Graduate School, Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management, and a Certified SAFe Scrum Master. With her
wealth of experience and expertise, she is well-equipped to help individuals and organizations navigate the ever-changing landscape of the global workforce and achieve their goals.