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Kingsley Okonkwo: Mending homes, changing lives through relationship coaching


Relationships and marriages stand as the bedrock of any society, forming the building blocks upon which families, communities, and nations are constructed. In a world where these vital unions often face turmoil, the role of relationship and marriage coaches becomes paramount.

Kingsley Okonkwo, a certified relationship and marriage coach, is at the forefront of this transformative work, guiding individuals and couples towards healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

He is also the Founder of Heart and Mind Consulting. It is an organization that specializes in consulting and coaching services aimed at helping individuals and businesses build healthy relationships in the workplace and at home.

The company recognizes the importance of emotional health at home and in the workplace and thus provides tailored solutions to enhance productivity, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. It also provides specialized coaching services for top executives in the area of love and marriage relationships.

Kingsley Okonkwo serves corporate organizations, businesses, corporate individuals, celebrities, and high-profile clients. As the Lead Consultant of Heart and Mind Consulting, a renowned consulting and coaching firm based in Lagos, Nigeria, he boasts over two decades of experience in the field of personal development, relationship, and marriage coaching, making him a leading expert in his domain.

Being recognized as one of the top relationship and marriage coaches in Africa, Okonkwo has significantly improved the emotional health and well-being of countless individuals, couples, and even employees in the workplace.

He is a master life coach with an extensive wealth of knowledge and expertise, offering guidance on essential aspects such as communication, conflict resolution, stress management, and infidelity recovery for couples.

Read also: How to stop being defensive in your relationship

Apart from his coaching endeavors, Kingsley Okonkwo is a prolific author covering various topics ranging from relationships and marriage to personal growth and success. As a highly sought-after speaker, he has hosted conferences in numerous cities worldwide, including the UK, USA Canada, and more.

When asked about his inspiration to become a relationship and marriage coach, Okonkwo shared, “It started by just having a burden, an interest in people’s relationships, hoping that they were doing it right and following the right guidelines, which over the years led me to actually start providing knowledge and assistance in that regard. It started little by little, and over time has blossomed to become the big organization that it is today.”

Regarding the intersection of his role as a pastor with his work as a relationship expert, he explained, “It goes hand in hand because for me basically what I like to teach from is first scripture, even though I also make use of science and statistics, but scripture is my first foundation. God is the author of marriage so I feel naturally they intertwine; you really can’t teach marriage without considering the creator of marriage.”

Kingsley Okonkwo, the Family life expert, has recently joined the Forbes Business Council. He shared, “Yes, it is a prestigious institution, and I have been able to network with people of all races and all kinds of backgrounds in business. It is a good organization to be a part of, and it has been interesting so far.”

With over twenty books to his name, he explained, “I have so many books addressing different aspects of relationships. I usually just think that if people can be better prepared and informed, almost anyone can make it in marriage.”

Regarding common challenges observed in modern relationships, he added, “I feel people are just not as patient, not as grounded, not as accountable as they used to be. These days, most people’s life before marriage only prepares them for divorce and doesn’t prepare them for long-term commitment. If that changes, things will change.”

Okonkwo also emphasized the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance, stating, “Scheduling family time the way you schedule every other aspect of your life is a great way to achieving a healthy balance.”

For individuals looking to strengthen their relationships, Okonkwo advised, “My first advice would be don’t run away from learning and mentoring; it must become a priority. Also, understanding yourself, in terms of your strength and your weaknesses is key. And finally, one of the most important for me is learning how to pick a spouse because most marriages succeed or fail because of the partners that are involved with you in the marriage.”

The humorous relationship thought leader is a true visionary and a leader in his field.

Through his work with Heart and Mind, he has helped countless individuals and organizations build healthy relationships, enhance their emotional and marital health and achieve greater success and fulfillment in all areas of life.