• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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How does one measure authenticity in a world that is full of smoky mirrors? The onset of new media has set unreal standards for people (young and old) and created unhealthy living patterns and a very judgemental society impacting mental health in a most negative way.

What do you do to ensure you don’t lose yourself amidst the noise? Just Be REAL

R emain Focussed
E njoy the journey
A udacity to honour
L et go of wrongs

Remain Focussed

Focus is critical in life. When you focus on something, chances are you will be successful at this thing, simply because focus brings all your energies into that one thing and creates a tenacity to see it created. If you have decided to follow a certain course for your life– let your focus drive you towards resources that will help your journey. Never compare yourself with other, a key distraction that impacts your focus. Quick to follow distraction is discouragement, once that happens, your energies dissipate to manage the emotions that come with this distraction; anxiety, fear, doubt, anger, etc, all negative emotions that sap your energy levels.

Always understand that we are created uniquely by God. No one person is the same. Focus on what you have chosen to become and be resolved to beat all odds to get there.

Enjoy the Journey

Take time out to celebrate your wins!! You have gotten this far and you are standing despite all you have been through. Don’t beat up yourself when things aren’t working out the way you desire. Remind yourself of the journey and the many challenges you have surmounted and keep MOVING!! Take time to create good memories along life’s journey, use these lovely memories as emotional anchors. Whenever you feel you are in a bad place, use these anchors (music, poems, pictures etc) as pick me ups. Enjoy the journey, celebrate your wins and stay grounded in your resolve to keep going.

Audacity to honour

This is about you being and staying humble. Yes! Humility must be the hardest part of life however that’s really the unsung hero in the room and the best way to make it to the top of the ladder! Audacity to honour simply is giving honour to everyone even to the least among you. This means to give or show respect to all in spite of age and income! This builds trust and camaraderie (mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together) and keeps you grounded.

Let Go of wrongs

Offenses will always happen however, your reaction to them determines your level of maturity and willingness to grow as an individual. I have heard this often and not sure who said it; “if you stop to rant at everyone who throws a stone at you, you will never make it to your destination on time or at all.”

You must learn how to Let Go!!! I always say don’t take things personal, you will live longer! You really shouldn’t be focused on what people think you are. Be focused on achieving. Cultivate a trust relationship with those that matter on your life journey. Let them know your capabilities and your ability. Be faithful in what you do and always aspire to shine brighter. That way you are consumed with becoming the best and authentic version of you and a better individual to those around you. The naysayers shouldn’t bother you! Let go, once you start to carry all the unnecessary heavy burdens of gossip, malice, bitterness etc, your become too burdened to move forward. Learn to forgive without even an apology from the offender in sight. You have too much ahead of you to bother about opinions and perceptions.

Oge is a published author, writer and speaker. She is the Editor and writer of GetFearlessly AunthenticTM Newsletter, a personal leadership newsletter that chronicles her life as a professional. She is involved in causes for women, young people and the vulnerable. She loves to read comics, watch comedy flicks, listen to music and play golf. Shares her love threefold- Love for God, Love for People, Love for Country. www.ogemodie.com