• Sunday, September 08, 2024
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Jacob syndrome in today’s business




There is a recognizable pattern for successful business and one of it is the composition of team that works with an entrepreneur.

The story of Jacob and Laban formed the basis for this work. It is a pattern that was observed with successful business leaders. People make the difference in any business system. The individual one employ in any organisation has intelligence at three different levels but usually an employer focuses on one which is mental intelligence.

Although there is growing awareness on a second level of intelligence known as emotional intelligence but few human resources personnel could easily recognize this or test for it.

The third intelligence which is a core influence in human life is the spiritual intelligence. Peter Senge, a renowned author of Dance of Change and Fifth Discipline recognised the import of spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence is not about religion. It is about the space, freedom, and safety to bring our whole being to work.

That is the Jacob Syndrome that made the difference in Mr. Laban business who was one of the wealthiest Syrian business men in ancient time.

The lack of spiritual intelligent workers in businesses kills a culture that enables people to bring their whole selves to work. The spirit of organisation is palpable. If you walk into any plantain chips factory, bank, hospital, hotel, or media firm, you can sense the spirit of the organisation. You can feel if people are depressed or lighted, used or valued.

What informed this conclusion? Often one cannot be precise and yet understand what one feel. As it was in the ancient story of a wealthy man called Mr. Laban who sensed astronomical increase of his wealth since the employment of a young man called Jacob Isaac.

As written in ancient book of law, Mr. Laban said, “If you please, I have learned through divine inquiry that God has blessed me because of you.” He went on, “So name your wages. I’ll pay you.” Jacob replied,

Jacob: “You know well what my work has meant to you and how your livestock has flourished under my care. The little you had when I arrived has increased greatly; everything I did resulted in blessings for you. Isn’t it about time that I do something for my own family?”

Laban: “So, what should I pay you?”

The reality for many entrepreneurs is that business struggles change as soon as some employees are employed. The law of L & J business system says it is the owner of business system that owns the wealth not the empowered worker. It does not matter how good a business system is designed without an empowered worker with both mental, emotional, and spiritual intelligence creating wealth is limited.

Business system is important for successful business functions and expansion. Recruiting people and developing culture that support full expression of human intelligence is important to businesses that will thrive in an economic crisis and a very competitive environment. So how can you identify Jacob syndrome in potential employee?

The first thing is to look out for empowered person

An empowered person is someone who is clear about her personal identity. The question to a prospective employee is who are you? Or how will you describe yourself? Most empowered people will describe themselves in a way that connects present thoughts with future reality. An empowered person doesn’t describe her life by circumstances in the environment. The import of that to business is that such people operate by foresight and future minded in business decision making.

The second is to look for skilfulness

A skilful person is one that is competent and expert in any chosen career. He is a value creator and excellently does that in such a way that it attracts more customers to the business.

The third is value for intangible asset

The greatest store of value is thought. A tangible asset may be eroded in economic crisis but never an intangible asset or thought. A worker who don’t value intangible asset will eventually reduces a venture prospect.

The forth is negotiations skill

Jacob Isaac had a good negotiation skill not only for the interest of the business but for his person because of the clarity of his value offering and spiritual intelligence that has helped the owner of the business system to create wealth. Look out for prospective employee ability to negotiate for salary. It is a pointer to what will happen when she negotiate for your business interest.

Lastly, Game changing history

Has she ever changed bad situation to good situation at any level either as student or in the previous work experience? A person with Jacob syndrome will definitely has game changing experience. Go and achieve greatness.

Victor Mamora

Mamora Victor, MSMEs advisor, speaker & consultant



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