• Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Challenges: Minefield of Blessing


God is just a wonderful, humorous God. His desire is that we His children get to know Him and His modus operandi. Jesus Christ said: “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of heaven, but unto them it is not given (Matthew 13:11)”. What a privilege, what a blessing!!! The purpose of God appearing in Jesus was to make His ways known unto us. Every act of Jesus, His miracles, utterances and way of handling of issues were all pointers to us to act in the same manner. The moment we fall short of this understanding we are no different from the ordinary man, our results are no different.

If there is any work, we are meant to do that is worthy of great result to heaven’s standard it is to know Him and His ways (Dan. 11:32b). This implies seeking first His kingdom and His way of doing things (Matt. 6:33). Getting this means we have access to the dynamic operation of the kingdom of heaven that causes to be wonders in our world.

For instance, many people live in fear of likely problems that show up in life and cause difficulties and pain. Such situations sap our joy and enthusiasm to function in life. God in Jesus saw this ahead of time and warned us that in this world we would face trials and tribulations, but we should be of good cheer for He Has overcome the world. What a blessed assurance. The statement is like a big container where the problems, challenges or difficulties of life however big they may be may be poured.

When He tells us to count it all joy, or rejoice forever more (1Thess.5:16) and He goes further in verse 18 to say that in everything we should give thanks, to the uninitiated this does not make any sense. We may even come to a conclusion that this God is uncaring, but to the initiated this where the wisdom of God resides. From time immemorial, the blessing of God has been hid in what appears to man as problems or challenges. If you do not know God and His way of doing things you will miss out big time. The blessing of David was hid in Goliath, the blessing of Isaac was hid in the famine in the land. The blessing of Jehoshaphat was hid in the armies that were arrayed against him. When God gave Jehoshaphat victory, he had to use his entire army to carry the spoil of war for three days. Joseph became prosperous because he was sold into slavery, same goes for Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, their difficulties and challenges brought about their lifting. These and many other examples show us that God knew what He was saying when He told us to rejoice and count it all joy.

This is because it is in these problems, challenges and attacks that our blessings hide. Without us having the right understanding and right attitude we lose out and it looks as though the enemy has won. No!!!! The only place where God can hide our blessing and where no one can contest it is in our problems and all the negative things that hell is unleashing against us. God tells us that “it is with joy that will draw it out… (Isa.12:3). Never forget, doing business is all about problem-solving.

So beloved, we are in for a great time of manifesting the blessing of God because we now know where they are kept. We don’t grumble anymore or murmur because they are needless, rather we rejoice with joy unspeakable full of glory. We count it all joy, we celebrate the goodness of God in the face of every problem or challenge that life may throw at us. And as we walk in this new light I see you enjoy untold blessing that has been waiting for you in darkness. Isaiah 45:3.

Remain Blessed.


Debo Atiba

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