• Saturday, September 07, 2024
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76 Oil wells: Attah, Akpabio and Imoke (II)

US grew oil output in 2018 more than Nigeria’s total production

Oil Field

Dominic Kidzu

Governor Akpabio then complained that “NBC in one of its briefing came up with options to resolve the CONTRIVED boundary disputes between Akwa Ibom and Rivers States on the one hand and Akwa Ibom and Cross Rivers on the other “the NBC quoted Articles 7.1 of the UNCLOS 82 which canvasses respect for the preservation of historic

titlesto support the return to statues quo, that is, each state should keep the oil wells it had before the promulgation of the onshore/offshore Dichotomy Law of 2004. The presidency accepted this recommendation and actually directed its implementation as it affected Cross River State, but implementation of the same application in the case of Akwa Ibom/Rivers State boundary has been pending. Instead the presidency opted for a political solution which compelled Rivers State to return only 50% of the oil wells which were transferred from Akwa Ibom to Rivers State based on the disputed boundary lines”.

From the above account, it is clear that both the former and current Administrations in Akwa Ibom State clearly have no problem with Cross River State. The issue in contention as contained in the letters written by the two governors to presidents Obasanjo and Yar’Adua is the determination of the oil wells along the boundary between Akwa Ibom and Rivers States.

The NBC and RMAFC are therefore, simply meddlesome interlopers in search of a sinister objective that only they can explain. With the new adjustments, Federal Allocation accruing to Cross River has dropped from 2.2bn to 1.2bn, while same coming into Akwa Ibom has gone up from 11bn to 17bn. The difference is just one billion Naira. it means all the world to Cross River and Akwa Ibom can truly spare that one for Cross River State, everything considered. What Akwa Ibom cannot do with 16bn, its certainly will not be able to do with 17bn.

Read Also: Alleged cross border looting triggers war of words between Akwa Ibom, Cross River

The Federal government is in a position to display fatherly wisdom by addressing this matter to the amicable agreement and satisfaction of both parties. There are two many problems in the Niger Delta Region. We may not need to invent fresh ones.

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