• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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Go after the money but stay healthy

Go after the money but stay healthy

Many Nigerians get caught up in the hustle and bustle of amassing wealth that they forget their health deserves just as much attention as making those billions.

Poor health is enough to scupper whatever wealth amassed, such that in the end, all those painstaking efforts to make money would have been for relatives with better health to inherit.

Many young Nigerians don’t place the same value attached to making money on staying healthy and that’s a big mistake.

According to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) data published in 2018, the average life expectancy of Nigerians is 55 years, the lowest in all West Africa. While the lack of a functional health scheme and requisite infrastructure hamper the Nigerian health sector and can be blamed for the low average life expectancy, more Nigerians just need to be committed to a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some things to note in pursuing a healthy lifestyle.



The average Nigerian is disposed to daily stress, especially those residents in places like Lagos with very high population and every one practically struggling for everything the state can offer.

Way back in 2015, a study conducted by Bloomberg revealed that Nigeria was the most stressful country in the world. We can to a large extent further claim that it still is the most stressful country in the world. To mention but a few, non-existent power supply, poor road networks and never-ending traffic congestions, erratic public transportation, overworked and underpaid low-income earners, high cost of living etc., contribute to stress levels an average Nigerian experience.



In 2017, an article paper on the theme “Stress and Depression in Workplace: Strategic approach to management”, Olabode Shabi, a medical consultant and Chairman of the Society of Family Physicians of Nigeria explained that about seven million Nigerians are currently suffering from mental health problems associated with stress and depression.

Medical practitioners have proven that in managing stress levels, avoiding or reducing caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine, adequate sleep, trying relaxation techniques, and time management are key factors to take to heart amongst other factors.

Also, there are nice massage places like Jane’s Haven Beauty Spa, Eko Gym and Spa, Spa Intercontinental, Oasis Medspa etc one can visit for good relaxation and stress relief.



According to a report by WHO, 94 percent of the population in Nigeria is exposed to air pollution levels that exceed WHO guidelines (compared to 72% on average in Sub-Saharan Africa in general) and air pollution damage costs about 1 percent post of Gross National Income (GNI).

These days, the air quality is so bad. Almost every breath taken is like the breath of death. Literally, air pollution is choking the life out of Nigerians with little attention paid to it. Indoors and outdoors, air pollution is killing more urban residents today than ever before.

The average Nigerian on a daily basis has to deal with the risk of polluted air, ranging from emissions from vehicles especially trailers and dusty streets etc which poses danger to the citizens.

In Lagos state, for instance, transportation by bikes is prevalent as individuals seek to reach their destinations faster, this is due to severe traffic congestions in the city. Hence, this increases their exposure to risk of accident and inhaling of dust.

After smoking, high blood pressure and poor diet, air pollution is the fourth-highest cause of death worldwide with most deaths occurring in developing countries, hardly captured in death certificates according to WHO.

The resultant effect of polluted air has been highlighted as strokes, lung disease, lung cancer and heart attacks.

We, therefore, lay emphasis on the need to engage the usage of face masks while boarding bikes to lessen the effect of polluted air intake.


Balance diet and constant exercises

Also most importantly, the food we eat determines to a large extent how healthy we are. Although we are faced with challenging economic situations which drains daily nutrients and energy from the body, conscious effort in food selections aimed at replenishing lost nourishments is key to maintain healthy living.

If possible, avoiding or reducing road side purchase of fruits and food which most times are contaminated due to exposure to dust and other unseen germs could be a great start to living healthy.

Some individuals, especially employed bachelors are faced with the challenge of preparing their own food so result to eating out. There is need to device methods to time management and reducing eating out. The problem with food vendors is not being certain of the food preparation process.

In addition, constant exercises keep the body fit always and ready for another day. Also helps in smooth flow of blood through the veins.


Health is wealth

Good health often translate to wealth because the less you spend on medical bills, the more money you have to deploy into more productive business activities or investments that will assure you better returns.

The major point to consider is that pursuing billions at the expense of one’s health is like working for another man to inherit without enjoying the reward of your labour.