• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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NDDC boss vows to defend the people’s asset, amid growing pressure

NDDC Ag MD Dr Joi Nunieh

The earth-quaking revelations made so far by the Acting Managing Director of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), Joi Nunieh, seem to bring huge pressure on her interim management committee as the Senate wants her to give way for the board just screened.

Despite this, the Ogoni-born Nunieh has assured that the Interim Management Committee of the Commission would defend the wealth of the people of the Niger Delta region. She has just cancelled a deal that gives one consultant N1billion every month for helping to collect statutory funds from international oil corporations, something she said was unnecessary. She has also revealed how a senator alone cornered 300 contracts and got paid for 120 without lifting a shovel; and how one company has 87 vouchers waiting for payment. These are how the NDDC came to owe over N3 trillion to contractors.

Nunieh, who addressed Ogoni youths that paid a solidarity visit to the NDDC headquarters in Port Harcourt, said that no one would be allowed to deprive the people of their resources.

She said: “I have been in the Niger Delta struggle from the beginning, and these people are beneficiaries of the struggle. But we will not allow them to take the money belonging to the people of the Niger Delta.”

The NDDC Chief Executive Officer said that the Commission had cancelled the monthly agent’s fee of N1billion being paid to a consultant, adding that the payment of three per cent for gas had also been cancelled.

Nunieh thanked the people of the Niger Delta for trusting members of the Interim Management Committee. She remarked: “I want to thank Mr. President especially, for believing in us and insisting on upholding the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“The President said that he will act in accordance with the Act establishing the NDDC. And the Act says that after Cross River, Delta will produce the Chairman, but some people do not want Delta to be chairman. They don’t have the right to dictate. They will only obey the provisions of the Act and as good citizens we stand on the provisions of the NDDC Act.”

The NDDC boss assured that development would be taken to all nooks and crannies of the Niger Delta region, stating: “Anywhere you come from in the Niger Delta, the NDDC is coming to your villages, every village will have water to drink, every village will have primary health facility. We will work with all the governors and stakeholders in the region.”

Nunieh said that the forensic audit ordered by the President would help the NDDC to recover all funds that were illegally taken away from it. She urged the youths to go back to their communities because the NDDC would meet them there. “We are bringing development to the communities,” she pledged.

The Leader of the Ogoni youths, Felix Nwidag, said that Niger Delta youths were solidly behind the NDDC three-man Interim management Committee, stating that nothing would shake their resolve to ensure that it succeeded.


Ignatius Chukwu