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Quizac’s AI powered app wants to make learning easy as game playing


Studying can be really hard, at least in the estimation of quite a number of people. So, since time immemorial, students have often devised ways of overcoming the “big hurdle” of studying. With technology, things have perhaps improved as geeks develop one new technology or the other to make coping with academics easier, and possibly, fun as well.

Tade Samson, founder, The Quizac game tells TechTalk his team hopes to unveil a new App in April, which will provide a platform for users to learn new things, and in an exciting way.

“Quizac is an Artificial Intelligence powered learning improvement, multiplayer quiz app for students and knowledge lovers,” wrote Samson in response to enquiries on what the app is all about.

He added, “We recognized the need to make common knowledge available to students in a more interactive and engaging way and also provide common facts which are unknown to individuals.

“Quizac leverages on spaced repetition to ensure higher knowledge retention and better academic performance. Quizac is like the News app but, for knowledge.”

Spaced repetition is defined as a learning technique that incorporates increasing intervals of time between subsequent reviews of previously learned material, in order to exploit the psychological spacing effect. Alternative names include spaced rehearsal, expanding rehearsal, graduated intervals, repetition spacing, repetition scheduling, spaced retrieval and expanded retrieval.

Quizac is not yet available for download but according to Samson, it would be on the Google Play Store in April.

“Though we’re yet to launch, but following the Nigerian market trend and planning resources around it, we’ll be launching the alpha version of our AI-based quiz app by first week of April 2018 on Google Play store. IOS version of the app will also follow,” said Samson.

What Quizac will do

TeckTalk learnt that, with its Artificial Intelligence engine, Quizac automatically curates sets of easy, medium and difficult questions on a subject, and randomly distributes them among players (i.e. students) in order to test their skills.

After each game, Quizac curates the experience of individual game players and provides them with feedback (and analytics) on areas of improvements in various topics. Quizac keeps bringing back missed questions to ensure the concept of learning by spaced repetition is accomplished for every student.

“With Quizac, we hope to make common, knowledge required to enhance academic success, available to every student at every level, irrespective of region or curriculum,” said Samson.

The Quizac AI Engine

How the app works is described as a process which involves the Quizac AI engine breaking down content documents into sentences, using the concept of sentence segmentation. It further converts each sentence into a tree form using Context Free Grammar (CFG). This tree format represents the possible formation of semantically correct sentences in English language. If this tree could not be formed, the process breaks and the sentence is deemed incorrect and ignored.

With the concept of Co-referencing, Quizac AI is able to replace pronouns with existing Nouns in order to generate high-weighted and appealing questions.

“With our engine, our pool of questions is unlimited,” Samson believes.

The effectiveness of spaced repetition as a technique for learning, is described in a Psychology Today post as an effective way to learn many different types of information. It can be used to help school-aged kids learn spelling words or multiplication problems, or university students learn new vocabulary words in a foreign language. With some assistance from family members, people with severe memory disorders like Alzheimer’s disease can be taught new names using spaced repetition.

When Quizac is available to the public in April, TechTalk will put it to test and see just how much it can/will revolutionise the learning process.



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