• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Phillips Consulting roundtable tackles workplace digitalisation, role of HR

Phillips Consulting roundtable

Workplace transformation has become inevitable giving the spate of digitalisation sweeping through industries, and experts that attended a recent Digital Learning Breakfast Roundtable say the future of work also requires organisations to begin to design new experiences that meet the evolving expectations of their workforce, particularly the digital talents.

The roundtable organised by Phillips Consulting (pcl.) brought to limelight new trends in workplace digital learning such as on-demand learning – also known as learn-as-you-go, gamification and game-based learning, virtual and augmented realty learning, micro learning, market learning internally among others.

Rob Taiwo, managing director of pcl. says the impact of digital technology in the workplace cannot be quantified and will continue to grow as the future unfolds.
Paul Ayim, senior partner at pcl. notes that digital learning is not a game of technology or fanciness; it is more a race for efficiency and competitive advantage in the marketplace. The new digital talents who are largely younger want their learning tailored to their lifestyle.

Ayim says is possible for firms to design learning that is flexible, and assures of freedom and incorporate new digital tools to sustain interests.
“We need to look at how we design experiences when they come into the learning environment,” Ayim says, but “whatever learning you introduce let it be in short burst and learners are able to consume anywhere they are. So, learning approach should be mobile.”

The learning approach adopted is as much the responsibility of the human resource personnel as it is that of the C-suite. Olufunke Amobi, country head, Human Capital for Stanbic IBTC said for a digital culture to thrive, it must be led from the top and cascaded to everyone on the ladder. The C-Suite must own the development of the digital agenda. Nevertheless, the HR personnel who may also be the learning manager must strive to remain ahead of the curve and ensure that he or she has a voice on the board.
“Don’t wait for your business to ask you before you respond,” Amobi said.

According to her, digital trends are volatile and are causing a change in the skills required at the workplace, sometimes leading to retrenchments. Learning managers therefore need to adapt quickly to these changes by up-skilling or re-purposing their employees.
“To lead change you must be involved,” she said.

She further shared experiences from Stanbic IBTC where a digital learning agenda has been implemented. For her, organisations should not only give employees opportunities to learn, but they should also give room to practice acquired skills.
“Work should be organised around the big business goal and vision. There should be a shared strategic intent, such that it is clear what everyone is doing,” she said.