• Sunday, June 02, 2024
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Abia community seeks govt support to sustain “Akwete cloth” production

Akwete cloth

People of Akwete, in Ukwa East Local Government Area of Abia State, have appealed to the federal and state governments to support women weavers in the community to sustain their unique hand-made cloth, known as “Akwa Akwete” (Akwete cloth).

They argued that the cost of thread, which is their main raw material, has gone up astronomically, thereby increasing their cost of production.

Consequently, they appealed to the federal government to in the meantime, subsidise the price of imported thread, while encouraging local production of quality threads, especially, cotton and silk threads, to enable them access quality raw materials at affordable rate.

They observed that the sustenance of the art of weaving, would reduce unemployment and improve the economy of the locals, state and country at large.

Christian Uwaezuoke, secretary, Joint Council of Akwete, comprising- UmuIhueze, Amakam and Umueze autonomous communities, explained that the only time weavers in the community experienced government support was during the administration of Sam Mbakwe, of the old Imo State.

“The late Mbakwe, the then governor of old Imo state, from where Abia, Ebonyi and the present day Imo were carved out, through his wife, recognized the creative ingenuity and contribution of Akwete women weavers to the development of Imo state.

“Part of his programme was to encourage local industries, he visited Akwete women and one of the questions proposed during the visit, was how government can assist them”.

He donated the sum of N50,000, which led to the setting up of the Women Weaving Cooperative Society Centre, which also serves as their showroom.

Uwaezuoke stated that Uzoma Abonta, member, representing Ukwa East and Ukwa West in the House of Representatives recently re-roofed the building, as an honour to his late mother, Rosalind Abonta, who was the pioneer leader of the women.

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“Beyond that all subsequent governments have not done anything to support women weavers in the Akwete.

“There was a time Akwete women weavers hosted a team from the Raw Materials Research Institute, who said they were in the community to understudy the cloth production and know how they could help boost its marketability, but after that visit, nobody has heard from them. It is over three years now, but nothing has been done.

“Also some time ago, some youths came to understudy it and know how to leverage its marketability through linking some companies overseas, but after that nothing came out of it.

“The original piece of this cloth is showcased in the British Museum in London, where it is showcasing Nigeria and black man’s contributions to civilization.

“Government takes our women to showcase their products are trade fairs, but after every event, nothing comes out of it. Our women also participated at FESTAC 77.

“This cloth industry has made some contributions to economic development. Meanwhile government is talking about local content policy, looking inwards, but nothing is happening”, he argued.

Helen Ebere, president, Akwete Cooperative Women/Weavers Association, urged government to help them source silk and cotton thread at a cheaper rate.

“They can help us access loans that will enable us engage more hands to weave. This is a gift God gave to us. We’re not good traders, the only thing we do and know is to weave and we love it”.

Patience Okere, a weaver, who said she started the art of weaving at the age of 12, explained that the art is inborn in every female child born in Akwete and appealed to government to assist them by subsidizing the cost of thread, which is their major raw material.