• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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Femi Austine: Strategist building successful real estate brands


When it comes to promoting real estate brands, nobody does it better than Femi Austine – a popular real estate strategist in Nigeria.

Femi’s real estate strategy has helped to elevate numerous brands in the industry. Known for his unreserved passion, he is among the few breaking new grounds in the sector.

Femi decade of experience in the sector has proven his depth of knowledge in the practice of the real estate business, more specifically, on how to build a brand that sustains and outlasts a crisis.

He is fond of a statement ‘be the disruptor, and not the disrupted.’

Currently, he serves as the chief strategist of DPkay Homes and Property Limited situate in Lagos.

Femi played a giant role in the image redemption of DPkay Homes as a wrongful execution of court order was carried out by AMCON on one of its properties on Lekki Epe Expressway.

“A brand is like a building; it takes years of experience to plan and then to build, but it doesn’t take so much effort to bring down a brand with one terrible event,” he said.

“This is why we have to let the public know that it was a wrongful execution to retain integrity we have built over the years. And we thank God for the victory” he further said.

He added that for a real estate brand to keep winning locally and globally it must be built seven strategic pillars, noting that public perception remains the most vital.

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“No matter how good and reliable your product is, it’s not good enough until the public deems it fit to associate with it,” he said

He says the other seven strategic pillars are; strategic positioning of properties, an excellent team of architects and engineers, public relations team, strategic partnerships and unveilings to aid marketing and sales intentions (pricing strategy, incentives, and commission for marketers), consistent customer relationship and retention programme and last but not the least, the account and the administration pillar”

He urged real estate brands to be law-abiding while ensuring that the authenticity of property must not be compromised. He added that legal teams within the organisations must be sound and proactive.

“A land without a title is like a company without a CAC certificate; People don’t want to associate with that except for a few friends and family who probably do not know the adverse effect,” he stated.

“We are yet to have a player whose pillars are complete measure in full view of the seven pillars. We are still scratching the surface in the real estate space in Africa but there has been a progressive development over time,” he noted.

We can’t compare it with the last decades neither can we compare it with the new sets of well-traveled and experienced developers this new decade will produce” he added.

The real estate strategist, who has set up a community where over 2,000 realtors carry out business dealings, was recently awarded for his outstanding performance in the sector.

He is also the founder of The Femi Austine Company Limited; an academy specially put together for human capital development out of which hundreds of entrepreneurs have been able to discover self and business opportunities and currently dominating in their various spheres.