• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Nigeria at 60: APC Governors reaffirm commitment to Nigeria’s democratic development

Nigeria 60th Independence Anniversary

As Nigeria marks 60 years of Independence from colonial rule, Governors of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) have reaffirmed their commitment to the principles that democratic governance should lead to improved welfare for the mass of the citizens.

According to them, this imposes a responsibility on all elected representatives to work for policies that promote the wellbeing of citizens, as being guided by the manifesto of APC, since 2015, the party’s governments in all states controlled by it and at the Federal level have remained focused, implementing pro-people initiatives across all sectors.

The Governors under the umbrella of Progressive Governors Forum (PGF) joined President Muhammadu Buhari all revered leaders – traditional, religious, organised private sector, labour, civil society, women, youth, persons with disabilities, political leaders across all our political parties – and all Nigerians to celebrate this historic day.

The PGF in an Independence message signed by its Chairman and Governor of Kebbi State, Abubakar Atiku-Bagudu, congratulated the Nigerian people for their resilience and faith in a united democratic Nigeria.

“Sixty years of independence and nationhood were years with moments of rasping experiences. Coming out of these years as a united country gives us all the reasons for celebration, most especially because we are today emerging as a stable democracy having been in our Fourth Republic for twenty years now with six successful general elections. Therefore, emerging as a stable democracy, we can say with confidence that the growing confidence of our people to our fledgling democratic system of governance is indisputable.

“On this occasion of our 60th Independence Anniversary, we want to specially celebrate our leader, President Muhammadu Buhari, for being a source of indiscriminate leadership at this point in our national life. At a time when partisan affiliation is expected to influence political choices both with respect to government initiatives, beneficiaries and location, President Buhari is providing indiscriminate leadership ensuring that all Nigerians from all parts of the country irrespective of all our differences receive equal

“Under the leadership of President Buhari, our politics is today being refined to ensure indiscriminate development of all parts of the country. In addition, the President is inspiring all of us in APC to change our political culture especially in relations to electoral contests. Unlike what obtains in other parties where the operative culture is to manipulate electoral contests to produce set outcomes, the environment in our party, APC, is being made more liberal. With such a liberal atmosphere, combined with impartiality of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), as a governing party, our electoral probability, in all elections, is even.

“We win or lose elections depending on our ability to convince electorates to vote for our party and our candidates. And when we lose in a fair contest, we concede defeat and congratulate the winner.

“This is the next level politics already in play, championed by APC. We appeal to all politicians and parties to embrace this new political culture in Nigeria.

“We are proud of our accomplishments as a democratic country and as a political party and hereby restate our commitment to make all our states models of good governance with records of rapid human development and progress founded on the principles of social democracy in line with provisions of our party constitution and manifesto”, the message read in parts.

The APC Governors assured that they shall continue to take all the necessary steps to roll out programmes in their states that will facilitate development of synergy, experience sharing and collaboration.

They felicitated with all Nigerians and reiterated their commitment to the democratic development of Nigeria, while putting in place programmes to improve the welfare and living conditions of all Nigerians.