• Monday, June 17, 2024
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Gombe Easter day tragedy: NSCDC operative or suicide bomber?


The tragic event of the Easter Monday in which about 11 people died and several others injured in Gombe State when a man said to be a personnel of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) deliberately rammed into a procession of Christian youths bore a signature of suicide mission.

According to the story, the driver who initially had an altercation with some of the youths said to be members of Boys’ Brigade of ECWA Church, Bamusa, Barunde, Madaki, and St Peter’s Anglican Church, gave away his mission, when he drove past the procession and reversed, turned off his light and fiendishly rammed into the crowd from behind.

That incident shows how inhuman and low people have descended. For such wicked people, killing has become a normal thing and they care less about it. Little wonder the country has suddenly become a killing field.

The Gombe episode seems to me a suicide mission and not just a momentary madness. The killer Civil Defence man so-called, was simply on a mission to kill, otherwise, he could not have taken his time to reverse and now knowing that the youth were not expecting he could come back, he took them by surprise, and mowed many of them down. He must have been inspired and possessed by some blood-sucking spirits beyond the human realm.

He could as well be a member of the Islamist sect, Boko Haram. He may be covering up and wearing the badge of Civil Defence.

Without pre-empting the outcome of the investigation already mounted by the Acting Inspector of Police, Mohammed Adamu over the sad event, it may not be out of place to say that what happened that day was a pure case of terrorism. It is possible that he was a religious fundamentalist, who hated other religions other than the one he practised, otherwise he would have had some measure of tolerance for other people’s style of worship.

By the same token, the so-called accident in Adamawa State, involving a passenger bus, the same Easter Monday, may have been pre-meditated. How could a bus driver run into a procession of Christian worshippers at about 10am of the fateful day? It will be good for the relevant security agencies to dig deep into these bizarre occurrences with the aim of finding the truth about them. It is dangerous to take anything for granted in Nigeria at this time. The level of hatred for one another and for one religion or the other is so high nowadays that safety has become a very scarce commodity.


Zebulon Agomuo